इति (q)तकेवलिदेशीयाचार्यशाकटायनकृती शब्दानुशासने वृत्ती प्रथमस्याध्यायस्य कृतीयः पादः॥ Ms. of the Jaina Matha, Kolhapur.
Before discussing the chronological relations between the Nyåsakara and Saka yana, it will be convenient to examine two more s-atras of the latter. Patañjali quotes two verses containing past participles of certain verbs conveying the sense of the present tense under Panini III, 2, 188. These verses are also found in the Karikd with the following remark: तथा सुप्तः । शयितः। आशितः । लिप्तः। दृप्तः। इत्येवमादयोपि वर्तमाने बाटण्याः
___Kalika III, 2, 188. All these words and some others are included in the verses that occur in the Annoghavritti under the following sútra:
मतिपूजार्थमि(मी)च्छील्यादिभ्यःक्का IV,3,278. सतीति वर्तते । मत्यर्थेभ्यः पूजार्थेभ्यः मि(भी)अपः शील्यादिभ्यश्च धातुभ्यः सत्यर्थे वर्तमानेभ्यः क्तप्रत्ययो भवति । .................... । शील्यादिभ्यः ।
शीलितो रक्षितःक्षांत आक्रुष्ट(हो जुष्ट उचतः । संयतः सं(श)थितस्तुष्टो रुष्ट(टो) रुपित भासि (शि)तः ।। कान्तोभिव्याहतो दृष्टो दृप्तस्कृतो मृतस्तथा । लिप्तः खिग्धश्च दयित इत्याद्याः सति लक्षिताः॥
कष्टं भविष्यतीत्याहः स गम्यादिषु दृश्यताम् | केचिव() [५] भूतकालता तत्र क(क्त) इतीदं नारं (2) मे (भं) []
Amogh. & Chintamani IV, 3, 278. By fra Chandra is referred to, who has no corresponding sitra. In the last line we are told that he is to be looked for in the T T T which occurs in the following sútra :
गम्यादिवत्स्यति IV, 3,280. गम्यादिः शब्दगण इनादि प्रत्ययान्तः वय॑ति धास्वर्थे साधुर्वेदितव्यः । गमी । भागामी............ कष्ट । पदे सामान्यत्तावप्यर्थात्प्रकरणाच्छब्दान्सरसंनिधेो विशेषप्रतिपत्तिर्भवति । (धी गमी माममिति स वाक्यार्थ।। Amogh. & Chintamani, IV,3,280.
It is thus evident that the verses, the sútras and the Amoghavritti containing the गणपाठ were all composed by Sakatayana himself. Chandra has the following independent siltra :
समानस्य पक्षादिषु 7,2,103. ' We learn from the Kasikí that this is got by TTT or separating the word समानस्य from Panini's sitra VI,3,84, which deals exclusively with Vedic forms, in order to account for words like सपक्ष. In his sitra (V,2, 104) Chandra borrows his material from Panini (VI, 3, 85). These facts were before Sakatayana, who improves upon Chandra's method by composing one sútra, while he relegates to his Amoghavritti all the words noticed by Chandra and the authors of the Kasika. In order to enable the reader to appreoíate the importance of this subject I shall cite below the sútras of Panini and Chandra : Pånini.
Chandra. - (a) समानस्य छन्दस्यमूर्खप्रभृत्युदर्केषु । । (a) समानस्य पक्षादिषु VI, 3, 84.
v,2, 103. (6) ज्योतिर्जनपरराबिमाभिनामगी
जातीये वा VI, 3,85.J
V,2,104. (To be continued.)