507-8 1 12 Phálguna
NOTES AND QUERIES. A CORRECTION IN THE INDIAN where those oolumns are left blank, the following CALENDAR.
should be substituted :(Extract from the Journal of the Royal Ariatio
A.D. Society, April 1915, p. 335.)
9. 10. 11. 12.
16 8 KArttika (9884 29662 66 0.1957 I HAVE to thank Dowan Bahadur L. D. Swami- 8 11 Magha (Ksh.) 15 0.0489980 29.940
9980 29-9401 51 0.158 kannu Pillai for having, in his Indian Chronology
I 8 Karttika 997629-928 12 0.0367
751.2 R 9 Margas.(Kal.) (pp. 99-101), pointed out two errors of caloulation
121 0-036.992029-760 in the Indian Calendar (1896), of which the late
The result is the same whether calculation is
made by the first Årya Siddhanta or by the Sarya Sankara Balkrishna Dikshit and myself were the Siddhanta. authors, I find, on examination, that his criticism In case these corrections should lead to any is perfectly just. It is unnecessary for me to ex
doubt as to the accuracy of our other caloulations
it will be well to note that the above are the only plain how these regrettable mistakes arose, but it mistakes that have as yet been brought to my is of importance that they should be notified for
notice in all the tables of the Indian Calendar
since its publication eighteen years ago. Morethe guidance of those who are in the habit of
over, as Mr. Swamikannu Pillai has, freshly and using our tables for the verification of dates of by a different system, gone over the whole ground inscriptions.
covered by our tables and finds no other correction
necessary, that in itself is sufficient proof of their The mistakes concern the intercalation and reliability. His criticism in these two cases is a suppression of lunar months in the years Baka 430
testimony to the correctness of the remainder.
Nevertheless humanum est errare, and I shall be and 674 current, or A.D. 507-8 and 761-2. The greatly obliged if any reader of the Antiquary will following corrections should be made in Table I of tell me if he detects any other mistake. I have the Indian Calendar
discovered one for myself, which I take this (1) In the entry for the year A.D. 507-8 (p. xiv).
opportunity of notifying. In Table I of the Indian
Calendar, in the entry for the year A.D. 1496-7, in columna 8-12, instead of the present entry col. 13. the entry in bracketa" (86)." should be « 12 Phalguna; 9983; 20-249; 52; 0.156"; and " (87)." (ii) in the entry for the year A.D. 751-2 (p. Xxx),
A COLLECTION or MALAY PROVERBS, by J. L. into the ways and thoughts of the people. It is HUMPHREYS. Reprinted from Journal, No. 67, thus useful not only to the anthropologist, but also Straite Branch, R. A. S., December 1914. to the magistrate and the administrator. It need
hardly be pointed out that this is the really Txas short collection of proverbs from Johor
practical way, in which to present a colleotion of and Naning is notable and worthy of general study
Oriental proverbs to British readers and I congratu. for the manner in which it is put together. There
late the author on his effort. is the proverb, its rendering into English, its appliontion and a brief account of the circumstan.
R. C. TEMPLE, ces in which it is used, involving a useful insight 18th April 1015.