Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 11
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 135
________________ 116 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. XI. for in -ansa-, 1. 15; the donbling of consonants after r and before y in -ārijavõpārijit-, 1. 2; Bhatarkkad, 1. 3; sthairyya-dhairyya-gāmbhiryya-, l. 6; -anuddhyātass, 1. 14, and so on. There are a few mistakes, such as 7 for a in-pētha-, 1. 18; t for tt in-satua., 1.4; for i in -ājvala-, 1. 18; p for pr in -pabhāva-, 1.4; & superfluous anusvāra in -rāmja-, 1.3, and so on. The first n in santāna-, 1. 9, has been misshaped and looks almost like a v. Note also the absence of samdhi in -sabdah rupa-, 1. 6. The plate contains only the formal portion of the grant and breaks off in the description of Siladitya I. Dharmaditya, but it is absolutely certain that Mr. Jackson was right in assuming that the grant was issued by him. The absence of sandhi in -sabdah rupa-, 1. 6; the word -dhairyya- in -sthairyya-dhairyya-gāmbhiryya-, 1. 6; and the word -bala- in -akhila-baladhamurddharah, 1.11, occur in all the grants of Silāditya but not in other Valabhi grants. It is also possible to state definitely that the plate belongs to a grant issued before Valabhi-Samvat 290, because the spellings -sanghatis-, 1.5; -tridasaguru., 1. 7, and sanghat-, l. 13, which also occur in the Walā plates of Valabhi-Samvat 286, are not found in the Dhank plates of ValabhiSamvat 290. The last words of our plate are -ojvalatari-kit-arttha-, and by comparing other Valabhi grants we find that the second plate must have begun -sukha-sampad-upasēcā.. Now these are the first words of the fragmentary second Walā plate of Silāditya I. Dharmaditya, dated Sam. 200 80 6 Vaisakha-va(?) 6, which has been published by Dr. Bhandarkar. The length of that plate is, according to the editor, 12" and the height 81". The size therefore also agrees with that of our plate, and there cannot be any doubt that the two plates belong together, 80 that the whole grant is now before us. To judge from Dr. Bhandarkar's edition the second plate is not well preserved. I asked Rai Bahadur V. Venkayya to be good enough to try to get hold of it so that it could be republished together with the first plate. His endeavours to do so have not, however, been successful, and I therefore edit the beginning alone. TEXT. 1 Om svasti [119] Valabhitaḥ prasabha-prapat-amitriņām Maitrakāņām atula-bala-sampanna-mandal-abhöga-samsakta-praha2 ra-sata-labdha-pratāpåt=pratāp-opanata-dana-man-árjjav-Opārjjit-anuragad-anurakta maulabhțita-śrēņi-bal-s3 vapta-rājya-sriyah paramamāhēśvara-Sri-Bhatārkkād=avyavaobchhinna-ra (m)ja vamsan-mātā-pitri-charaṇ-äravinda-prağati-pravidhaut-āśesha-kalma4 shah saisavät-prabhsiti khadga-dritiya-bahar-eva samada-para-gaja-ghat-asphotana prakaśita-sa[t*]tva-nikashas-tat-p[r*]abha5 va-prapat-arāti-chudáratna-prabha-samsakta-pada-riakha-rasmi-samgha(ha)tig=sakala smriti-pranita-mārgga-samyak-paripälana6 praja-hșidaya-ramjan-anvarttha-rāja-sabdah rupa-kanti-sthairyya-dhairy ya-gämbhiryya buddhi-sampadbhiḥ smara-śaśãök-idriraj-o7 dadhi-tri(tri)dasaguru-dhanēsān=atiśayānasasaran-agat-abhaya-pradáva-parataya tri (tri) a[va]d-apăst-āśēsha-svakäryya8 phala[] prärtthan-adhik-arttha-pradan-anandita-vidvat-suhșit-pranayi-bridayah pädachår-iva Bakala-bhavana-mandal-abho9 54-pramodab paramamahēśvaraḥ śri-Guhasēnas-tasya sutas-tat-pada-Dakha Dayakha-sa[ntalna-vispita-Jähnavi-jal-au10 gha-prakshälit-kšēsha-kalmashaḥ praņayi-fata-sahasr-opajivyamaga-sampad=ropa-lobbād - iv=āśrites=Barabhasam-abhi11 gåmikair=gg.nais-sahaja-sakti-siksha-vibēsha-vismāpit-akhila-bala-dhanarddbaraḥ prathama-na. apati-samatisfishtina 1 Ind. Ant. Vol. I. p. 44 * Expressed by a symbol.


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