9 la] bļuchanpil Koma10 ripara-Rēvaga
[rmma] Kasyapa-go12 [t]ri(tru)ni(i)ki ichchina. . Chirumbūrio utta
sa tu(ta)rpanu disa 15 . ( Juggi-pola-ga(ra)
su da [kshi]na-[disa] ... pāra (ma].
Second Face. 18 ēnu maputra-gå
nu tagiri [ll] Dē(di)ni salpinavåniki
vë-go [!]!ava vê-se22 ravuļa vēvänsuu(a)
u nilpinam punyam
bu [l ]diniki vakrambu 25 vachchuva(V)osa putra-va
dya(dha)-stri-vadya(dha)-[go-va]27 dya(dba)-pañcha-ma[ha28 pā] takañ=chési[na]29 våni loka[m] [ba30 D-u]n[u]vanju
TRANSLATION. Hail! Satyaditunru (Satyaditya) of the Kaśyapa-gotra, son of Saktikomara VikramAditya (and grandson of) the great lord, the glorious Chola-Maharajadhiraja Vikramaditya, while ruling the Siddhi one thousand and the Bēnāņdu seven thousand (districts), gave to Běvasarmma of the Kasyapa-gotra, (a resident) of Komaripara, five marutrus (of land) at Chirurbüru. . . on the north side . . . . . east side. .. .the boundary of the fields of Juggi; (on) the south side . . . . . . . . . . . To him that maintains this (charity), (shall accrue) the merit of establishing a thousand temples, a thongand tanks (and) a thousand villages! He that obstructs this, shall live in the world of him who commits the five great sins (such as the marder of a son, the murder of a woman (and) the murder of a cow!
The vowel sign for is added, though wrongly, to the compound letters.
The anusara which is to be connected with is placed over the letter by which follows it. This peculiar position of the anusoara is often found in the Telugu records of this period. The pronunciation intended may be either Chiramburu or Chirrabůru (the modern Chilamkort near the Kalamalla tailway station). The latter poesibility is supported by the system of spelling generally followed in Prakrit manuscripts where an anusoara placed at the top of any lettor has the effect of doubling the preceding letter. The similar position of the annsvåra in the words puwyashbu and oakrambu (1. 28 .) cannot be explained in the same way.
Rond wilpina The subjoined is only a tentative translation of the inscription. Ita peculiarities of orthography, grammar and idiom require indepeudent study and discussion. I could only bere draw particular attention to the two of new
for dondi, the use of the Dravidian for I, the wrong forms götriniki for gölrwiki (1. 13) and dans for dini (1.19), the addition of the geoetivo suffix to the qualifying adjective instead of to the noun (11. 10 to 12). the use of the expletive suffix ou in s-gullwow (1. 21), the ungrammatical i nruirls for re-ville and the word pad ya for eacha. Again, I am unable to explain the phrase ans marstru-gám tagiri in l. 18 f.
Marutre is evidently the plural of maruts, which again is corruption of the Kanarea waftar, mattars mesure of land.