on the day of Pushya, which corresponded to a Sunday and to the fourth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Vrischika."
For the 28th year of the reign of Maravarman Kulasekhara I, which began in June A.D. 1295, this date is perfectly regular. It corresponds to Sunday, November 27th, A.D. 1295, on which day, the 30th day of solar Vrischika, the 4th tithi of the second lunar fortnight was current at mean sunrise, the nakshatra then being Pushya by all systems.
It would be incorrect for the 20th year of that king, or for a possible 20th or 28th year of the second king of that name.
114.-In the Muktiśvara temple at Pürattukkōyil.1
1 Sva[s]t[i] śr[i] [*] Ko Mara[pan]ma[r-a]na T[i]rubu [va]nachcha [ka]ravattigal [r]-Kulase[gn]radavarkku y[4][du vads]
2 Magara-nya[r]ru parvva-pakshat(tu pratha]maiyum Sapi-kkila[m]am perta Aviṭṭattu nā!.
"In the [eth] year (of the reign) of king Maravarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulasekharadeva,-on the day of Dhanishtha which corresponded to a Saturday and to the [first] tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Makara."
This date regularly corresponds, for the 6th year of the reign of Maravarman Kulasekhara II, to Saturday January 12th, A.D. 1320, which was the 17th day of Makara ; on which day at mean sunrise the 1st sukla tithi was current, the nakshatra being Dhanishtha by all systems. It is incorrect for the 6th year of the reign of Maravarman Kulasekhara I.
115.-In the Vikrama-Paṇḍyesvara temple at Solapuram.
1 Svasti śr[1] [] Sakabdam ayirattu-iru-[n]arra-[nar] pattu-nāliņ mēl
Chchadaipa[umar-ga] TribhuvanaJohchakravattigal P[a]ndiyadeva[rku yāṇḍu 8] M[I]-naya[r] pau[r]n[y]ai[yu]m Budan-kilamai[y]um perra Sittirai-u[a]].
éri-K6= éri]-Parakrama28 [tedi]yu[m]
"After the Saka year (one) thousand two hundred and forty-four (had passed)in the year 8 (of the reign) of the glorious king Jaṭavarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Parakrama-Pandyadeva,-on the day of Chitra, which corresponded to a Wednesday, to the full-moon tithi, and to the 28th solar day of the month of Mina."
This date is regular when calculated by the Arya-siddhanta. It corresponds to Wednesday, 23rd March, A.D. 1323, on which day at mean sunrise-the day being the 28th of Mina,the full moon, or 15th śukla tithi, was current; it having begun 15h. 35m. in mean time before, and ending 7h. 52m. after mean sunrise.
The nakshatra, however, is found to have begun, by the equal-space and Garga systems, 1h. 30m. after mean sunrise; though by the Brahma-siddhanta it was current at mean sunrise, having begun 2h. 14m. earlier. I have calculated the date by the Brahma-siddhanta, and find that that authority was not used by the framers of the pañchanga th current use at the
1 No. 742 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1909. No. 487 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1909. The syllables tädi are expressed by a symbol.