No. 6.
Translation : crowd of ministers?).
Text: (blon-dmag).
Text: (blón-rgyal)
No. 7. Translation: (royal minister ?)
(or: minister and king?).
No, 8. Indistinct.
No. 9. Text: chhab-brid .....
Translation : government ...... Khod-ne-stan.
Khod-ne-stań. The name Khod-me-star has not yet been found in the Stein collection.
No. 10. Text: chhab-srid-kyi-blon-po-chhen-po
Translation: The great minister of the gov. Lan-khri-bier
ernment, ancle Khri-bzer-lhe lha-mthon.
mthon. NOTRs : The word tant uncle, in connection with names of ministers is repeatedly found among the Stein relics. It may be compared to the title agw, uncle," of the heroes of the Kesar Saga. The naine Khri bzer is probably the personal name, and I Ha-mthon (god-seer) may be clan-name.
The name Khri-bter is found in the following documents of the Stein collection : M. Tagh.aV, 0015; alV, 00122; bi, 0092; MI, i, 28; xvi, 1, 8; xxviii, 0016, etc.
The name Ha-mt hon has been found only once, vis. in M. Tagh, a1, 0012.
No. 11. Text: chhab-erid-kyi-blon-po-chben-po- Translation: The great minister of the blon-rgyal-bzan
government, minister rGyal-bzan'adus-(r)kań.
'adus-(r)kan. Nors: Hero again, as in all the following Cages, I take the first name as the personal name, and the second as the clan-name.
The name Gyal-bras ocours in MI, xiv, 108g, and xiv, 0016 of the Stein relics. The name 'a Durkan has not yet been found.
No. 12. Text: Bod-ohhon-poi-blonpo...... l-gji- Translation: Titles, names, and clan
names of the ............ ministers myi-rus
of great Tibet.
No. 13. Teart: Nah-blon-mchhims-tab-rgyal.
Translation: The perfect minister of bser-khod-ne
Inner Affairs, uncle Gyal-bkerbrtean.
khod-ne-brtsen. Norma molhime is probably connected with 'acklinpa, to be fall, perfect.
The name ryal-ober occur in the following documents of the Stein collection : M. Tagh, IV, 00122 L. 0009: LI, 0095; LI, 00104; MI, XXX, 001; xlil,009. In No. M. Tagh, bi, 0096, we find the name Gval. berlaga-brtean.
The name Khod-w has not yet been discovered in the Btain collection.