No. 23]
at mean sunrisotho nakshatra was Uttara Bhadrapada. The day corresponding to Müln in that solar month was Tuesday, January 15, A.D. 1219, which was the 21st day of Makara, and on that day the 12th tithi of the second fortnight was current at mean sunrise.
238.-In the Choļiśvara temple at Turaiyür. Svasti] Sri [ll] Tribhuvanachchakkarasvat]tiga! Sri-Rājarījadēvarkı yandu
3vadu Mini-nayarru apara-pakshattu [@]kådasi yu]m Saņi-kkilamaiyum perra
Sadaiyattu nâ[!].
“In the 3rd year of the roign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Rajarājadēva,-on the day of Satabhishaj, which corresponded to a Saturday and to the eleventh tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Mina."
This date is also irregular. In the third year of Rajaraja III the month of Ming fell early in A.D. 1219. The eleventh tithi of the second fortnight in that month corresponded to Thursday, March 14th 1219, which was the twentieth day of Mina. On that dny at mean sunrise tho Ilth krishọa tithi and the nakshatra Dhanishtha were current. On Friday, March 15th, at mean sunrise the current tithi was the 12th kşishna and the current nakshatra was Satabhishaj. On Saturday, March 16th, at man sunrise the current tithi was the 14th krishna, the 13th being expunged, and the current nakshatra was Purva-Bhadrapada. So that it is not possible in that year to form at any time a combination, even at any time of a day, of a Satur. day, the Ilth krishnı lithi, and the nakshatra Satabhishaj; nor can we arrive at any solution withont altering two out of three of the elements given in the date as stated. This would be daugerous.
The dato is irregular for the reigns of Rājaraja I or II.
239.-In the Umamahēśvara temple at Könērirajapuram. I Svastfil srilh [1] T[iriba(va)pachchakkaravatt[i]ga! sri-R[a]jarājadēvarkku yanda
irubattunalavadiq ed[i]rūmandu Mēsha-nayarru a[pa]ra-[pakshattu a]shtamiyum
Vell [i]-kkilamaiyum perra T[ir]u[vo]®ņatta pa!.
“In the year opposite the twenty-fourth year of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Rājarājadēva,-on the day of Sravana, which corresponded to a Friday and to the eighth lithi of the second fortuight of the month of Mēsha."
The given date corresponds to Friday, April 5th A.D. 1941, which was the 12th day of Mēslia. On that day at mean sunrise the 8ch křishna tithi was current, and the moon was in Sravana.
240.-In the Muktiśvara temple at Samayavaram. 1 [Svas]ti sri [1] Tirubuvana[ch]chakkaravattiga! Sri-Rasarāsadëvarka yünda
2 a[va]du [Mė]sha-[na]yarra apara-pakshattu pañchamiyam Badan-gilamai perra
Mála3 [ttu] Dil
"In the L67th year of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Rājarājadève-on the day of Mula, which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the fifth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Mēsha."
i No. 701 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1909. ? No. 661 of the Marras Epigraphical collection for 1909. * The syllable rö seems to be a correction from frara.. • No. 746 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1909.