No. 19.]
(V. 29.) Similarly, Kapardopadhyāya, Bhāskara, Madhusudana and Vēdagarbna (are) the four fully conversant with the Yajurvēda.
(V. 30.) Again, Bhaskaradēva, Sthiropādhyāya, Trailokyahamsa and Mõuddha (are) the four accomplished in the Samaveda.
(V. 31.) Their sons and grandsons (who succeed them) should be such as offer sacrifice to fire and know the six supplements of the Vēdas, who are not addicted to gambling, prostitutes and such other bad associations), who have their mouths cleau (apittaka) and wbo are not servants.
(V. 32.) If one does not answer to this description, (he should be abandonod); also one who dies sonless, in their places must be appointed other Brāhmaṇas possessing the foregoing qualifications.
(V. 33.) He should be their relative, advanced in ago while being learned. He should be appointed by their consent alone and not by order of the king.
(V. 34.) Further, there are the Brühmaņa Vāsavanandin who at sacrifices declares holidays and the two Bhagavatas by namo Vāmana and Sridhara.
(V. 35.) These fifteen parts, (the alienation of which is) probibited by gift, sale and mortgage, must all be (thus) enjoyed by virtuous men. The writer of this is Ārya-Gonna.
(V. 36.) The village which is on a low level and is known as Vargullaka is separately given as a supplementary contribution) for the maintenance of the almshouse, for bali, charu and nivēdya to the god.
(V. 37.) All the transactions should be performed unanimously by the principal Erāltmapas (resident there), and the worshippers (padamula) meeting together.
(V. 38.) Oh kings ! protect this organization. Let this arrangement of mutual obligation continne (for ever). Alas! what indeed, will be the future of your fame!
(V. 39.) The establishment of the places of) punya (i.e. almshouses, cc.) by those who destroy the (deeds of) glory of others is just like an elephant-bath (throwing dust on one's own head) or an axe for (cutting one's) feet. Therefore, seeing that riches are as ficklo as the cyes of an intoxicated woman, it is better to follow the path of virtue and . . . . . . . 3
(V. 40.) He who was distinguished for the nobility of his character and family and whose name was Kēdara, became the helmsman of the boat of virtue in the ocean of existence for the queen and got this great receptacle of religious merit built completely.
(V. 41.) The illastrious king Sivagupta . . . . . . . . . . the three worlds, gave to Goņārya-Bhatta . . . . .
(V. 42.) One part of this (gift) which is to be enjoyed by a virtuous Draumaņa is reservod for one who is well read in the Sastras and (their) commentaries, as well as the Vēdas and is of excellent character.
[Punyaha-vachaka (as Mr. Hiralal has read) is a priest who officiates in all auspicious ceremonius ini proclaims by certain mantras a happy day to the ceremony and its performer.-H. K. S.]
? [Tala era may be more appropriately translated close at hand'.-H. K. S.]
[Following the note 10 on page 193 above, I translate :-O men! keep therefore (your) virtue, which is lovely as milk, unsullied'.-H. K. S.]