(VOL. V.
Friday, 10th February A.D. 1402 ; see ibid. Vol. XIX. p. 26, No. 20.
Lashmidêya (Lakshmidera); his son Simgha (Simha); his son Ramachandra; his son Harirâyabrahman (Brahmadêva, or R&yabrahmadêva).
281.- V. 1468.- Archool. Surv. of India, Vol. XXI. p. 18, and Plate xiv. Råsin inscription of a chief (mahipati) Paramardin :
(L. 1).- Barvat 1466 varshê Chaitra-sudi 7 San[an] Saturday, 23rd March A.D. 1409 ; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. p. 355, No. 156.
282.- V. 1487.- Jour. Beng. As. Soc. Vol. XXXI. p. 422, and Plate iii. No. xv. Gwalior inscription of the Maharajadhiraja Viranga (or Virama) P-dêve :
(L. 1).- sarvata 1467 varsh8 Märga-sudi 5 Sôsma P ]-dinam || mabara jadhiraja-griViramgadêvah (?).
Monday, 1st December A.D. 1410.
283.- V. 1470 ( for 1471).- Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 230. Khalári inscription of the time of the Kalachuti (Kalachuri) Haribrahmadova (Brahmadeva!) of Khalvåţika; (composed by Misra Damodara) :
(L. 15).- Barvat 1470 varshồ SA(sa) ke 1334% shashtyavdayðr=muadhyês Plava-namasamvatsard Magha-sodi 9 Sani-vâsard Rəhipi nakshatrê.
Saturday, 19th January A.D. 1415.
In the Kalachati (Kalachuri) branch of the Ahihaya (Haihaya) family, Simhaņa ; his son R&madåva (slew in battle Bhôņingadêva); his son Haribrahmadêva.
284.-7. 1473.- Ant. Remains Bo. Pres. pp. 176 and 316. Junagadh (Girner) insoription of the time of the Chaqasami chief] Jayasinha II. ; (composed by SAmala (P), the son of Mantrisimha and grandson of Dhandhala) :
Samvad=Råma-taranga-sågara-mahf-samakhyê=tha sakre sitê pamchamyân Bhrigu. Våsare.
Friday, 21st May A.D. 1417.
In the family of Yado, Mandalika [I.] ; his son Mahipala ; his son Khangåra ; his son Jayasimha [I.] ; his son Muktasimha ; his son Mandalka (II.] ; his younger brother Méliga ; his son Jayasimha (II.).
285.-7. 1481. - Jour. Beng. As. Soc. Vol. LII. Part I. p. 70. Deðgadh (now Calcutta Museum) Jaida inscription of the time of Sahi Ålambhaka ("Hushang Ghori alias Alp Khân" of Malava, the founder of Mându, here called Mandapapura) :
(L. 14).-samvatsará-smin=nripa-Vikramaditya-gatávda(bda) 1481 Sakê ért-Salivahanat 1346 Vaisakha-masé sukla-pakshô 15 pûrņņamåsyên Guru-våsarê | Svậti-nakshatrê | Simhalagu-dayê 11 (and evidently afterwards repeated in verse).
Thursday, 13th April A.D. 1424; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. p. 32, No. 45.
286.-7.1485.- Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 410 ; Bhavnagar Insor. p. 96. Chitorgadh inscription of the Guhila Mókala of Médapata (Mêwad); (composed by Ekanátha, the son of Bbatta Vishnu) :
(L. 50).- Abdd bån-&shta-vôda-kshiti-parikalite Vikramåmbbôjabamdhôḥ punye mase Tapasyê savitari Makaram yâti jivê Ghata-sthe 11 (1) pakshe sakl-tarasmin=Saraguru-divase ch=Aryams-rkshê tritiys-tithyårn.
(L. 53).-samvat 1485 varshê Mágha-sudi [3] Guru-dinê .... Both dates are irregular,
1 See abova, No. 280.
Wrongly for 1886. • Sofur n I can make out, this is equivalent to Tyaiskas.
Road shashtyabda-madhye. * See below, No. 345.