Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 10
Author(s): Sten Konow, V Venkayya
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 353
________________ 130 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. X. Bhagvanlal Indraji, Bombay Gas. Vol. XVI. p. 603 f., No. 25; 1905 Senart, Ep. Ind. Vol. VIII. p. 94 f., No. 25, and Plate VI. -raño Vasithiputasa sämi-Siri-Pulumässa sanvachharë 2 hēmamta pakhë 4 divasë 8 (?) ētiya puvāya. Prakrit. Fragment. Excavation (of cavo) by the husbandman (kufumbika) Dhanama. The last figure of the date is doubtful ; it may be 6 or 5. 1148. Násik Buddhist cave inscription.- 1865 West-West, Jourr Bo. Br. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. VII. p. 47, No. 1, and Plate; 1876 Bhandarkar, Transact. Second London Congr. Or. p. 342 f., No. 1; 1883 Bühler, Arch. Suru. W. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 114, No. 1, and Plate LV; 1883 Bhagvanlal Indraji, Bombay Gas. Vol. XVI. p. 605, No. 26; 1905 Senart, Ep. Ind. VOL. VIII. p. 95, No. 26, and Plate VIII. Prakrit. Gift of a cave (lana) and two cisterns (podhe) by the Saka Dimachika Vudhika, a writer (lēkhaka), son of Vishpudata (Vishnudatta), living at Dasapura, • the western cistern being for the benefit of his parents. 1149. Nisik Buddhist cistern inscription.- 1865 West-West, Journ. Bo. Br. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. VII. p. 47, No. 2, and Plate ; 1876 Bhandarkar, Transact. Second London Congr. Or. p. 343, No. 2; 1888 Bühler, Arch. Surv. W. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 114, No. 2. and Plate LV; 1883 Bhagvanlal Indraji, Bombay Gas. Vol. XVI. p. 605 f., No. 27; 1905 Senart, Ep. Ind. Vol. VIII. p. 95 f., No. 27, and Plate VI. Prakrit. The cistern (podhi) of the Saka (Saka) Damachika Vadhika, a writer (léghaka). 1150. Jandar Buddhist cave inscription.--1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Bargess, Inscr. Cave Temp. w. Ind. p. 41, No. 1, and Plate ; 1883 Bübler-Burgess, Arch. Surv. W. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 92, No. 1, and Plate XLVIII. Prakrit. Fragment. Gift of cistern (podhi) and (a cave] by . tha bhatinaka (. thabhati). . 1151. Jandar Buddhist cave inscription.- 1874 noticed by Burgess, Mom. Buddh. Cav. Junn. p. 9, No. 11, and Plate; 1877 notioed by Burgess, Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 38, No. 11, and Plato; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, Inscr. Oave-Tomp. W. Ind. p. 42, No. 2, and Plate ; 1883 Bühler-Burg888. Arch. Suru. W. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 92 f., No. 2, and Plate XLVIII. Prakrit. Gift of a reception-room (upathāna) by Mala (Malla). the Mudhakiya (of the Mürdhaka caste ?) and Anada (Ananda), the Golikiya (of the Golika caste ?). 1152. Junnar Buddhist cavo inscription.-1837 Sykes, Journ. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. IV. p. 289. No. 6, and Plate ; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, Journ. Bo. Br. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. V. p. 168 f., Nos. 8 and 9, and Plate; 1881 mentioned by Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, Inscr. Cavo-Temp. W. Ind. p. 42, No. 3, and Plate; 1883 Bühler-Burgess, Arch. Suru. W. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 93, No. 8, and Plate XLVIII. Prakrit. Fragment. Gift of a cave (léna) and a cistern (podht) by Patibadhaka Giribh titi Sakhuyaru, son of Savagiriyisa of the Apagariyas, and endowment of those establishments and the nunnery (bhikhuni-upasaya) of the Dhanmutariyas (Dharmóttariyas) in the town (nakara). The inscription seems to mention also a nunnery of Sivapkl[i]tanika (Sivapalita), wife of Giribhuti, in the town (nagara). Compare No. 1155.


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