683. Andher Stupa III. inscription on steatite casket, outside.-1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa
Topes, p. 349, and Plate XXX. Prakrit. (Relics) of the saint (sapurisa) HäritIputa (Haritiputra).
684. Andher Stūpa III. inscription on steatite casket, inside.-1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa
Topes, p. 349, and Plate XXX. Prakrit. Gift of Asadēva (Asvadēva).
685. Pákna-Bihar Buddhist stone-slab inscription.-1880 Cunningham, Arch. Sure. Rep.
Vol. XI. p. 32 f., and Plate XII, 11. Sanskrit. Fragment. Mentions a mahārāja dēvaputra, the figure 30 (?), Hastika
the son of Hastika, and Bodhisatva (Bodhisattva) dēvaputraka. 686. Khairigaph (now Lucknow Provincial Museum) horse image inscription.-1893 Smith,
Journ. Roy. As. Soc. 1893, p. 98, and Plate.
Prakrit. Fragment. Gift of .... ddagutta ([Samu]dragupta ?). 687. Bharaut (now Indian Museum, Calcatta) Buddhist pillar inscription.-1879 Canning
ham-Rajendralala Mitra-Bühler, Stúpa of Bharhut, p. 128 f., No. 1, and Plates XII and LIII; 1880 Rajendralala Mitra, Proceed. Beng. As. Soc. 1880, p. 58 ff.; 1885 Hultzsch, Ind. Ant. Vol. XIV. p. 138 f., and Plate; 1886 Hultzsch, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgenl. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 60, No. 1; 1892 Hultzsch, Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 227, No. 1. Prakrit. Erection of gateway (törana) and stone-work (silakammantu) by Dhanabhuti Vächbipata (the son of a Vätsi), the son of Agaraju (Angiradyut) Gotipata (the son of a Gaupti), the grandson of rajan Visadeva (Višvadova) Gägiputa (the son of a Gärgi), during the reign of the Sugas (Sungas).
688. Bharaut (now Batanmāra) Buddhist pillar inscription.-1879 Cunningham, Stúpa of
Bharhut, p. 128, No. 2, and Plate LIII. Prakrit. Fragment. Records the erection of a gateway (torana) during the reign of the S[u]gas (Sungas). Of the names only that of Agaraju (Angāradyut) is preserved.
689. Bharaut (now Batanmāra) Buddhist pillar inscription.-1879 Canningham, Stupa of
Bharhut, p. 128, No. 3, and Plate LIII. Prakrit. Fragment. Records the erection of a gateway (torana).
690. Bharant (now Indian Museum, Calcutta) Buddhist coping-stone inscription.-1879
Cunningham, Stapa of Bharhut, p. 130, No. 1, and Plates XII and LIII; 1886 Hultzsch, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgeni. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 60, No. 2, and Plate; 1892 Hultzsch, Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 227, No. 2. Prakrit. Gift of Aya-Nagadēva (Arya-Nāgadēra).
691. Bharaut (now Indian Museum, Calcutta) Buddhist coping-stone inscription.-1874
Cunningham, Proceed. Beng. As. Soc. 1874, p. 111; 1879 Cunningham, Stúpa of Bharhut, p. 79; 130, No. 2, and Plates XLVIII and LIII; 1881 Hoernle, Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 119 f., No. 5; 1886 Hultzsch, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgenl. Ges. Vol. XL. p. 60, No. 3, and Plato; 1892 Haltzsch, Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 227, No. 3. Prakrit. The Maghadeviya jataka (jataka which treats of Makhadova). See Jat. No. 9.