[Vol. x.
34 lguni-nakshatramum Dhand35 vinol Bțihaspatiy-uda[58]36 m-ige Taga[du]ra érimada87 man='Nola(mban-io]ruvanda Śri38 mamgals . .. veya 39 settiys .. (Cha]ndiya40 mnanu Nidhiyannanu Tagadu41 rol-basa[a]iyam-mådisi å 42 basadige khanda-3[]puţita-nav[a]43 karmma-dēvärchcban-a[aligalge Māla[ps]44 lligam sa-sary vapadaparih[s]-- 45 ran-Nolambe[m] dhåreyan-ere46 da knde Nidhiyanna padeda 47 sri-Mülasamgha-Sēnānvay-.. 48 gragamnya Pogariya-ganada 49 Vinayasēnasiddhantaraja-bhatá50 rara sishyar-Kkanakasēnasiddhā51 ntada-bhatārargge påda-praksha52 ana-purassara kotta [ll] lda[kk]e 53 såkshi nalka samayigaļu
East face. 54 nädan=nakaramun-narasigana[mu]-7 55 m=ivaré [ll*] Malapalliya polasi(me llo] 56 Muda Sembalattūra b[@]t[a]da (ke)57 lagana pēr-[a]][v]ina temkapa kasuki 58 adin-te[m]ku uluga-gadare [a]59 din-terku m[e]l-[s]ariye adintenku 60 Dluga-garuki adin-temka kara61 ngal-kuļi karamgal-kul[i]yind-ilida 62 paduva banda pallada poparppu63 [vajse allindam-ante pogi pada64 vana pallam á pallamo vidida 65 pogi Minanjaneyim temkaņa pa66 !! Koyilē[rige vo]gi K[o]yilo67 riya kila . m=ante Anduva68 r[ē*]rige v[0] . . . lavare si69 yêri (0) Andara[rēri] A[ndu)varēri70 ya padavana kade-gorbu [pt]e [pa).
1 The accusative frimadaman with the verb irwis peculiar to the Kanarese idiom. It reminds strongly of the Sanskrit grihan tishthan.
Nna to written for ana here a well as in 1. 46 and 1. 9 of inteription B. Perhaps the ansvaras after the two Dames are missing and must be inserted also.
* Read - phufita-. • Sarea-pada-paribarad stands for sarva-badha-parikaran.
Read folyar.
• Perhape an asasára is to be inserted at the end of the line, in order to connect aamayigals with the witDen mentioned immediately after.
Read anana. Ms at the end of the line is partly seen on the original. The neuter ending met perhaps indicatos the whole clan of officers (narafanana). I cannot explain how the demonstrative stari is bed in the muasaline, while the nouns to wbich it refers (except sanayigal) are in the neuter noe above, p. 57 footnote 1.