[VOL. V.
For V. 1597 the date is irregular; for V. 15571 it would regularly correspond to Friday, 23rd April A.D. 1501.
307.-V. 1848.- Proceedings Beng. As. Soc. 1875, p. 83. Benares inscription of the time of the emperor Akavara (Akbar) and his minister Todara :
(L. 8).- Kri(ri)tu-nigama-ras-atma (P)-1646-sammitê vatsar-esê.
308.-V. 1850.- Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 50, No. xii. Satruñjaya Adiśvara temple inscription; eulogizes some members of the Tapå gachchha, and mentions the emperor Akabbara (Akbar); (composed by Hemavijaya). Latest date :
(L. 77).- gagana-bana-kala-1650-mitê 'bde.
309.-V, 1851 and 1652.- Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 323. Inscription in the temple of Vadipura-Pärsvanátha at Aphilvâą, containing a pattávali of the Bțihat-Kharatara gachchha ; date of the reign of the emperor Akabbara (Akbar)
(L. 3).-Pâtisâhi-sri-Akabbara-rajyél fri-Vikrama-nfipa-samay&t=samvati 1651 M&rggasirsha-sita-navami-dine Soma-vêre | Parvabhadrapad[&]-nakshatre.
Monday, 11th November A.D. 1594; tee Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 141, note 31. Another date in the same inscription :
(L. 47).- Kara-karana-kaya-ku-pramita-samvat Allai 41 varshê | Vaiśåsha(kha)-vadi dvadasi-vasarê Guru-vårê Rêvatî-nakshatrë.
Thursday, 13th May A.D. 1596; see ibid. Vol. XX. p. 141, note 32.
310.-V. 1652.- Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 59, No. xiii. Satrañjaya Jaina inscription of the reign of the emperor Akabara (Akbar) -
(L. 1).-ri-samvat 1652 varshe Margé(rga).vadi Soma-våsard Pashya-nakshatre. Monday, 8th December A.D. 1595.
311.- V. 1864.- Proceedings Bong. As. Soc. 1876, p. 110. Rohtas inscription of the time of the Mahardjddhiraja Manasimhs
(L. 1).-samvat 1654 ... Ambh8dh-ishu-ras-amdubhiḥ parimitd puny&yang bâyane Chaitre misi valakshe(ksha)-pakshe(ksha)-valitê sbashthy&m tithau Sitagohl vårê.
Monday, 14th March A.D. 1597.
312.- v. 1654. Bhavnagar Insor. p. 144. Sadadi inscription of the reign of the Maharana Amarasimhaji [of Mew&ą] :
(L. 3).-Gri-nfipa-Vikramárka-samay[&*]t || samvat 1654 va[ro]she sak[a] 1520 pravarttamând mahêm&mgalya-prada-Vaišasha (kha)-m[8]sê kfishpa-pakshê dvitiyayarn tithau Brihaspatta(ti)-v&sere.
Thursday, 13th April A.D. 1598.
313.- V. 1875.- Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 60, No. IV. Satružjaya Jaina inscription of the reign of the emperor Jahangira (Jahangir) -
(L. 1).- Bath 1675 Vaisakha-sadi 13 tithan Sukra-varê suratåņa-Naradina-JahangiraSavdi-vijayirajye 11
Friday, 16th April A.D. 1619.
The year V. 1601 falls in the reign of Rajamalla; already in V. 1687 bis grandson Ratnasinhbs was reigning; see above, Nos. 801 and 804
. But on this day the moon entered the wakshatra Pushya only 19 b. 8 m. after mean suprise.
• Other Satrujays inscriptions of the same reign and date ibid. p. 61, No. xviii. p. 62, No. xvii.; p. 68, No. xix. and No. IX. p. 67, No. xxill, and No. xxiv. and of the same date, p. 60, No. xiv. ; p. 61, No. xvi, and p. 67, No. xxll.