Book Title: Doctrine of Jainas
Author(s): Walther Shubring, Wolfgang Beurlen
Publisher: Motilal Banarasidas

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Page 66
________________ 52 -- DOCTRINE OF THE JAINAS differs. Thanks to an inscription at Sravana Bego!r dedicated to the memory of an ācārya Prabhācandra and first reported by RICE1 wc know that Bh had picdiciod a faminc lasting for twclvc ycars and, what is morc, to occur in Ujjayini, wliere upon thc whole samgha moved to the south where it reached a flourished country. The Bhadrabāliu-Kathā (about 800) and thc BỊhatkathākośa (931) report that toward the end of his life Bh. ordered his followers to move away to Punnīta (Soutlı-Mysore), whcrcas Ratnanandın's Bh-carita (2nd half of the 1611 cont.) says that he himself took thc Icad and dicd on the way. Bh.'s death is being linkcd with that of the Candragupta or gripei whom cvcn other inscriptions delivered by RICE rcport to havc bocn Bhi's pupıl. C. who had rcsigncd the thronc to follow Bh put an end to his life by fasting as is said at thic samc place as Bh did, ic at Sravana Belgola 3 As to Candragupta thic Suet. report partly more partly less. Acc to Par. 8, 433; 443 he saw in the monks his gurus and he dicd thc samādlı-marara, Canakya, his minister, who himself was the son of a Jain layman, cqually sympathized with the monks This we know from the Avassıya tradition'. The Viyāhacūliyā describes a proplicsy made by Bhadrabāhu at Padalipura on account of 16 drcams of thc qucen. Among other symptoms of dcclinc in rcligion and inorals they mcan a twelve years' dukhāla, thc dhamma's changing over lo thc Vaisyas, I RICC IA 3, 153-158, the SAME, Alysorc Inecriptions trinsi, Bangalorc 1879, p LXXXVI-VIII, thic SAVE Inscr at Srasan B. (= Epigraphia Cranatica II, 1889, p 1, ncs cd of this sol by NARASINHACHAR (1923), Epigr Indica (cd FLEET) 4,27 Improvcinents by ILLES made as carly as in IA 21, 158, also LEUMANN WZKM 7. 383 2 For the first and third sourcc scc LCUMANN, Ubersicht, p2 for the sccond comp RICE (on the ground of in information given by PATHAK) Ep Cam III-IV,P2, P I RICE loc cit (1889) also draws upon the Räjävalikathc of thc Dcvacandra (19th cent) For a synopsis of the tradi. tion scc NARASIMHACHAR Joc cit 36T. Ir thic last named Brabhacandra who was a pupil of thc Ahalanha living in the 2nd half of the 8th cent, Was the same as the one mentioned in the memorial inscription, then in spite of the strong opinion held by FLEET the latter must be later than the ist of the 8th cent 3 VA SMITH Oxford History of India, p 75, NARASINIHACHAR Ep Carn 2 (rev cd ) 4 JACOBI, Sthav (2nd cd ) p IX following LEUMANN 5 The Dig cqually havc it, comp the Räjävalikathc with RICE IN 3, 155


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