161 contemplation narrow by steps from 1 to 7.1 But we also find an internal classification according to which I to 3 are concerned with the substances and 4 to 7 with their conditions (dravyārthika- and þaryārthika-naya), and a second one concerning examinations of the object--1 to 4-and its relations—5 to 7—(artha- and sabda-n ) Finally Umāsvātı offers 5 to 7 subvarieties of the sabda, to say nothing of those regarding the nargama.
In the Anuog , however, all seven enjoy equal rights, save that the last three are comprised as tinnı sadda-nayā We now turn back to the pamāna-specification rendered by Anuog 222 b ff. where we find the naya being illustrated by way of three examples. They strike us by their primitiveness when compared with the subtlety of classic definition Of all examples the third one, the paesa-ditthanta, is the most searching i For the negama there exist space units (paesa) which pertain to all substances (davua) and to any part separated from them (desa). Thus, beside the paesa of dhamma, āgāsa, jīva and khandha, the negama quotes as the sixth the paesa of desa. 2 The samgaha keeps within the number of five (pancanham paese), since the desa-pp pertains to all five substances if my servant buys a donkey, then the latter is mine, too? 3 The vavahāra does the same, though it speaks of the ḥ as being five-fold, for if five men possess something in common, then also a part of it belongs to them in common 4 For the ujju-suya the is, as the case may be (bhaiyavda), one of dhamma, of adhamma, etc 5. The sampazsadda-naya says dhamme (etc up to khandhe) paese, se paese dhamme (adhamme, āgāse, no-jive, no-khandhe), the space unit forms the corresponding substance and represents it (save the two last ones owing to the diversity of the jiva and the khandha). 6. The samabhırūdha maintains that in the words of dhamma (etc.) paese dhamme may be taken for a loc , ie in the nature of a Tatpurusa, or either for a nom , 1e in the nature of a Karmadhāraya As the first possibility is out of the question since it would qualify dh and TM as differing from each other, there remains
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Lốc ca p 47. dåsena me hharo kito dāso di me khato di me, Vyav bh IV 25a (quotation).