Book Title: Doctrine of Jainas
Author(s): Walther Shubring, Wolfgang Beurlen
Publisher: Motilal Banarasidas

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Page 198
________________ 182 DOCTRINE Or NE JAINAS is determined by noblc birth (castc, jāi) and good family (kula), but also by physical strength (bala), sacredness (tava), crudition (suya), costly property (läblia) and splendour (issariya) as well as by their opposites. All this rcfers in human conditions, but, though ncilier lott nor commentary gives it, it may naturally, under certain circunstances, apply to non-human beings also Thc Karman of thc personuliy or the individuality, at thic long last, is built up by very different components which amount to a total of 12 in nurnisr. They are physical in both a narrower and wider scrise as far as, within one class of beings, they contain shape of the body, structure and functions of the body as breathing, roduition (āyava and ujjoya) and locomotion (whāja-gar), and influence on the senses (fccling, smell, taste, and colour). Addrd to this there arc the organic causes of death (uvagliya) and the destination of the new form of cuisicnce (arufucvi). With individuality there also gocs the power of acting upon Others: superiority (par'āghāja), the presence or absence of the faculty to influcncc pcoplc, honour and, pleasant and unplcnsant impressions Thc cnd is made up of the stitc of:ccomplista mcnt achicved by a Tilthagirat In comparison with this varıcty the gencral activity of the individual Kirm in is merely distinguishıcd as cither being a favourablc or an unfavourable one Each of both thcsc distinctions lists 1 Gses based on concrete qualitics of the Karman bcarcr, lus reputation and his decds 888 That much about thc cight hands of the Kirman and their forces acting in matcrialization The general formula for these forces was found (acc. to Pannav. 458 b ) by saying jam vedet foggalam vā poggale va p-parmūmam rā risasi ranggalānam parināmam tesim vā udacnam.. (kanmam vedei). Although perhaps owing to corruption, it fouls to be quite clear, in no way concrete particles, cg of nood or carth are being meant, as Prajn (460 b), wants it thus leading to quitc forced results. It rather concerns Karinan atoms We now come to deal with certain notcs rcferring to individual kinds Viy. 52a, 63 b have the kankha-mohanijja hanuma, and ib. 639 b of the


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