have mohanuja, there must be veyanıyja, but where we have deyanıjja, there may be mohanıyja The one exception mentioned above are mohanıyja and antarāiya which may, though not must, occur together.
Another calculation makes up the contents of Pannav. 24 to 27. 24 is to prove how many Karman kınds possibly can occur with a soul binding one of them He who, for instance, binds veiling of knowledge (and hence also veiling of vision) is capable of binding either all 8 or but 7 or but 6 kınds The capability of a soul to bind, however, corresponds but partly with the Karman kinds becoming felt in the same soul This problem is dealt with by Pannav 25 where we learn that in a soul binding veyanija kamma, either eight, seven or merely four kinds come to be felt
Pannav. 26 and 27 state how many kinds a soul binding a certain kind is able to bind, resp to feel at all. The statements given, however, do not confine themselves to the soul and its multiples (jivā), but they also concern the different classes of the beings On the other hand the proof is given numerically only we come to know as possibilities the atthavihabandhaga, sattaviha-b, chauviha-b, cauvorha-b, egaviha-b. and both the abandhaga and the atthaviha-etc vedaga. But it is not until we read the commentaries that we learn what we have to understand by it Besides we find it in the later Karman literature, comp the columns of bandha and udaya in v GLASENAPP's representation of the guna-sthāna,1 the canonical fundamentals of which we find in these chapters of Pannav. Their author, most naturally, knew well enough which kinds of Karman dropped out accordingly If now those Karman specialists state to have taken their subject-matter from the 12th Anga lost to us, then we must conclude that also the Pannav., since it comprises what was at hand, went back to this source
Finally it is stated (V1y 257 b) which certain qualities of the soul or of its bearer lead to binding the individual kammapagadi. Physical constitution, as (a o ) the quality of being
Karman, p. go ff