only be understood by casting a look at the world profile (comp. § 103). Above the narrow waist representing the centre world1 the upper world increases horizontally and tapers off capwise above, as was just mentioned above. At the place of its widest extension we have to imagine the Bambhaloga.
§130 Just as the regions of the lower world count by layers, so do those of the upper world, and they, too, are called patthaḍa They are but sporadically mentioned 2 In the 4 first pairs there are 13, 12, 6, 5, în Anaya up to Accuya 4 times 4,3 in the Gevejja 3 times 34 and with the Anuttara 1.-The number of the places occupied by gods (vimāna) decreases from below to above In Sohamma and Isāna, for instance, they amount to 3,2 mill, is Sahassāra to 6,000, in the Gevejja to 318 altogether, and in the Anuttara to 5. Their total number is about 8, 497 mill 5 The southern halves contain a greater number than the northern. Their downward depth and their altitude invariably add up to 3,200 joy From Sohamma and Isāna measuring 2,700 joy. the depth decreases in pairs as far as Sahassara, then by 100 joy each as far as the Anuttara down to 2,100, while the height increases in proportion The arrangement (Dev. 208 to 218) is either by sequences or at will, and, accordingly, the shapes are either circular, quadrangular or triangular (Thān. 144 b), or else they vary. Only
I This part is conceived as two layers of (comparatively) insignificant height (khuddaga-payara, comp Thân 477b) one resting upon the other (uvarima-hetthilla) The world profile is completely even (bahusama) here and not bulging (probably savv' aviggahiya instead of savva-vigg, Viy 616a). 2 In Pannay, where they ought to be expected, they are but mentioned relative to the Gevija places (104b), Thân 367b is the only one to name the 6 of the Bambhaloga The details above follow the comm. on this
3 terasa barasa chap panca c'eva cattari causu kappesu Sthan. 368a must probably be understood as above, since the total number is said to be 62 here Hence we have to suppose that Bambhaloga is thought to lic on one level together with Lantaga, Mahasukha with Sahassara, while Anaya, etc, each he on a level of their own
4. For their names sce Than 452 b
5. Comp JACOBI ZDMG 60, 322.
vimanam mahanagara-kalpam, tasya cafari vanakhanda-pral ara prasad'adayah The vimana-pṛthvi-bāhalya concerns the former, the altitude to the latter (Jiv. 397b)