DOCTRINE OF THE JAINAS world measuring 14 r. the upper and the lower world each come to 76. (the centre world is not considered) The width of its base decreases from 7r. down to 1, in the centre world, in order to increase again to 5 r ( 129) and then to decrease once more down to 1 r. A third non-canonical conception refers to a world of human appearance? (as loka-purusa). This easily makes itself clear by the mere outline of the whole which, moreover, certainly accounts for the name of the Gevejjaga or neck" regions ( § 129) and the expression of loga-matthaga (Dasav. 4, 25).
$104. Along with the shape and the organization of the world and its different sections we shall equally consider the beings they contain, and we feel entitled to do so by the fact that the tabular treatment they receive in the dogmatic texts ascends in stages through all three worlds; the inhabitants of hell are followed by those appertaining to the classes of gods which belong to the uppermost stage of the lower world and the upper world, they again are followed by the prestages of the animals and their lower classes, by the higher animals and men, and, finally, by the gods of the upper world and the Siddhas on a still higher stage Outside dogmatic teaching the entity of all beings is called by the words of pāna bhūya jiva satta, certainly without making any discriminations by doing so, as the commentators want it 3 According to the number of their senses all animals (tırıkkha-Joniya) down to their most simple forms are called one- to five-sensed ($ 118) As is the case with all beings, they are either fully developed (paggatta) or not (ap ), to which we ask to comp § 63 The one-sensed beings (eg’ındıya)--so called since they have nothing but feelingare the animate smallest particles of earth, water, fire, wind, and plants As occupants of these particles or accumulations of matter (kāja), their souls and equally the beings them
1 But by no means of an expressly female app as GRUNWEDEL, Alt-Kutscha I, 47 gives it The interpretation of the corresponding figure 20 (sce also KIRFEL, Bilderatlas ) is certainly very doubtful
2 The AUTHOR ZDMG 75, 260 f
13 In a frequently (eg Jiv. 305 b, Prajn. 131b, Acar (old ed ) 80, 15 ) quoted versc, but comp Ācār 1622 12