DO OTRINE OF THE JAINAS of the pāsanāyā (paśyaltā=pieksana) In Pannav 30 It is equally called sāgāra and anāgāra, but we are given but six kinds of cognition and but three kinds of "seeing”. That is to say that among the first both the right and the wrong way of imagination (mar-nāna and -annāna) are missing, and among the last the acakkhu-damsana For according to Prajn the sākāra pasyattā refers to all three times, whereas the two mati are only concerned with the present, and, moreover, the anākārā paśyattā is qualified by its distinctness (parisphuta-rūpa) which is not the case with the acaksur-darśana
$83 Following the subject ofimagination we may proceed to the next paragraph by considering the will It is represented by the synonyms (Vıy. 56b, 149a, 571b, 643,654a, 657a; 777a; Thân 19b) utthāna kamma bala vīriya purisakkāra-parakkama 1 By Mahāvīra's coining atth22 utthāne z vā, up to - 2 vā(Viy. 56b) this sequence has gained a fundamental importance also for the Buddhists (Angutt 3, 195) causing the kiriyā-vai to be distinguished from the akiriyā-vās and two other so called samosarana, 1.e. the s of the agnostics (annāniya) and thes of the ritualists (venarya) (V1y 30), as one acknowledging the free will as a moral principle 3
Āyār. 1, 13 renders kırıyā-vāí together with kammā-vai, though in this case the inconsistency between a logical prosecution of the Karman idea on the one hand and the principle of free will on the other—the latter being excluded by the formerbecomes specifically evident For the exchange between kamma and kırıyā comp $ 99.
$84 The Karman By discussing the Karman4 we return to the field of matter, since the Karman goes back to the fundamental fact of the poggala. In the Karman teaching it
1 Another sequence says iddhi, kamma, paoga (Vry 190b, 796a) 2 In earthly life ! Not with the Siddhas (comp Vay 657a) 3 SCHRADER, Philosophie, P 12
4 Important monography by v GLASENAPP, Die Lehre vom Karman in der Philosophie der Jainas, nach den Karmagranthas dargestellt Leipzig 1915 See also Virchand R GANDHI, The Karma Philosophy. Bombay 1913 Second cd 1924