DOCTRINP or THE JAINAS beings, generated by brccding ( $63)-the latter when living in a kanma-bh ūmi ($117)--Own bodics of transformation, that is to say, that a human being may changc its appcarance (vikuvvittae) magically, provided that it be frcc from sin (amãi, § 181). For, so we lcarn from Viy. 189 a, the prepared food taken by a monk in a sinful way (mãi) will strengthen his bones and thc marrow within, but it will weaken flesh and blood, whereas the accidental food of the sinless will result in the opposite While the one aids to the development of the bodily organs, the other will transubstantiatc into cxcrctions The capability of transformation therefore depends on bodily preconditions. Wearc not told when and at what point higher ani. mals enter into transformation Apart from the beings mcntioned above the coarse wind-beings cqually havc bodies of transformation, which appcar in the shape of a flag (padăgă), manifcsting themselves cither as storms or clouds, yet without changing their minute smallness (lle angula) (Pannay 416a, 417a)? Animal and human beings, however, may become cither quite small or immensely large (llc ang. upto 100, resp. 100,000 joy ) The inhabitants of hell and the gods, with the cxccption of the Gevijja and Anuttara ($ 129), are cqually able to change their appearance, even though thcy alrcady livein bodies of trangformation This body of transformation so characteristic of their form of existence and built up without attracting forcign particles of matter (§ 181) is called bhava-dharanyga, whereas uttara-veuvviya is the body dclibcratcly taken.
Pannay 423a points out that the body of transposition is exclusively destined to serve pious persons in the Karman places (§ 117) who own magic powers (zd dhe-patta), but who have not yet succeeded in accomplishing self-disciplinc (pamattasamjaya), whereas acc to Devanandın on T 2, 37, 49 it is mcant to prove thosc powers, to solve subtilc dogmatic questions, and to escape any violation of self-disciplinc : It is defined by T2, 49, and its possession is confined to those who are in
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etāvat-pramāna-vikurvanāyām eva tasya faklı-sambhavat Praja 418a stksma padarsha-nitjndnärlham asamyama-pariyahirsayd ca