learn to understand that everlasting youthful vigour will go with the non-growth of hair and nails which is one of the special qualities of a Kevalin (Samav. 60b).
One list of 16 different diseases is rendered by Ayār. I 27, 16ff while another one is delivered by Vivāgas. 40b Here we come across physicians trying to practise their profession in many different ways. In this connexion we may note that, as Thân, 427 has it, the main subjects of therapeutics are the following eight the science of children's complaints (kumāra-bhicca), the science of internal diseases (kāya-tigicchā), surgery both small and large (salāi and salla-hattā), toxicology (angoli), psychotherapeutics (bhūya-vijā), the science of cautery (kharatanta), and elexirology (rasāyana) They are nearly conform with the eight parts of the so-called Ayurveda (JOLLY, Medicin, Grundriss III 10, P 13). Medical science (tigicchrya), by the way, plainly appertains to the pāva-suya-pasanga) 1 (Thān. 451a). As to the causes of diseases Thān. 446a lists the following nine: a sedentary way of living (accāsanā), bad food, too much sleep, too little sleep, constipation, anury, marching (addhāna-gamana), sitophobia, and the addiction to sensual enjoyments (indiy'attha-vikovanayā). The subdivision (Thān. 265a) into vārya,-, pittaya-and simbhiya-diseases and such in which different factors referred to in this connexion take a share, goes back to the all-Indian system. Viy 634 a (=Thān. 265a) says that madness (ummāya) ensues from being possessed by somebody (jakkh'āvesa) or either from the realisation of the so-called Confusing Karman (§ 87), the former kind being more pleasant (suhaveyanatarāga) and the one to get rid of more easily (suhavzmoyanatarāga) than the latter The state of being possessed by something is brought about, so the author adds, by a god sending impure atoms (asubhe poggale pakkhuvar) which are stronger with inhabitants of hell and gods (mahıddhiyatarāga) than with elemental beings(!), animals and men. The idea probably is that, in agreement with the conceptions of all primi. tives, the material body of a malignant individual takes posses
1. For 25 more all belonging to fortune-telling (see Samav. 49a ). 2 This in addition to a concrete sin also in Thân 360b.