Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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71 Leipsic, 1911; The Nature and Development of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing, "JOURN, OF EGYPT. ARCHÆOL.," 1915 : Egyptian Grammar, Oxford, 1927: Catalogue of the Egyprian Hieroglyphic Printing Type, etc., Oxford, 1928; The Theory of Speech and Language, Oxford, 1932.
A. Erman, Die Hieroglyphen, Berlin and Leipsic, 1912; Die Entzifferung der Hieroglyphen, Berlin, 1922; Die Welt am Nil, Leipsic, 1936.
H. Bonnet, Egyptisches Schrifttum, Leipsic, 1919.
W. M. Flinders Petrie, Egypt and Israel, new ed., London, 1923; Ancient Egyptians, London, 1923; Egyptian Tales translated from Papyri, 4th ed., London, 1926; The Making of Egypt, Oxford, 1939.
T. E. Peet, The Antiquity of Egyptian Civilization, "JOURN. OF EGYPTIAN ARCHÆOLOGY," 1922; A Comparative Study of the Literatures of Egypt, Palestine and Mesopotamia, London, 1931; Ancient Egypt (in E. Eyre, European Civilization, etc.), London, 1934: The Present Position of Egyptological Studies, Oxford, 1934.
W. Spiegelberg. Derotische Grammatik, Heidelberg, 1923. E. Naville, L'écriture égyptienne, Paris, 1926.
G. Ræder, Der Schneckroert der negyptischen Hieroglyphen, "BUCH UND SCHRIFT," 1928.
R. O. Faulkner, The Plural and Dual in Old Egyptian, Brussels, 1929.
W. F. Albright, The localization of the Egyptian Syllabic Orthography, New Haven, 1934.
E. Caprile, II deciframento dei geroglifici, "SAPERE," 1936.
H. Grapow, Sprachliche und schriftliche Formung egyptischer Texte, Glueckstadt 1936; Zur Erforschungsgeschichte des Demotischen, "ORIENTALISCHE LITERATUR ZEITUNC," 1937
J. A. Wilson, The Present State of Egyptian Studies, "THE HAVERFORD SYMPOSIUM," New Haven, 1938.
W. Erichsen, Demotische Lesextuecke, 3 parts, Leipsic, 1937
E. Seidl, Demotische Urkundenlehre nach den fruehptolomæischen Texten, Munich, 1937
S. R. K Glanville, Catalogue of Demotic Papyri in the British Museum, London, 1939, The Legacy of Egypt, Oxford, 1942.
W. F. Edgerton, Egyptian Phonetic Writing from its Intention to the Close of the Nineteenth Dynasty, communication presented at the Fifteenth Meeting of the American Oriental Society (Baltimore, 4th December, 1939), "JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY," 1939
G. Lefebvre, Grammaire de l'égyptien dassique, Cairo, 1940. G. Steindorff and K. C. Seele, When Egypt Ruled the East, Chicago, 1942.
A. Scharff, Archeologische Beitrage sur Frage der Entstehung der Hieroglyphen. schrift, "SITZUNGSB, D. BAYER. AKAD. DER WISSENSCH.," 1942.
V. Vikentiev, Les Momments archaiques, II. La tablette en ivoire de Naqada, "ANNALES DU SERVICE DES ANTIQUITÉS DE L'EGYPTE," 1943.
B. Grdseloff, La Tablette de Naqada, etc., "AXSALES etc.," 1944
A. De Buck, Egyptische Grammatica, Leyden, 1944; Egyptian Readingbook, I, Leyden, 1948.
The "JOURNAL OF EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY," published by the "Egypt Exploration Society," London, 1914 onwards.