Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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1916; A. H. Gardiner and T. E. Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai, London, 1917: A. Stuebe, Der Ursprung des Alphabets und seine Entwicklung, Berlin, 1920; H. Grimme, Althebraische Inschriften vom Sinai, Darmstadt, 1923; F. Ribezzo, Iscrizione sicana in alfabeto lineare mediterraneo, "RIVISTA INDO-GRECO-ITALICA," 1927 and 1933: Ch.-F. Jean, Les Hyksos sont-ils les inventeurs de l'alphabet? Paris, 1928; H. Jensen, "ORIENTAL. LITER. ZEIT., 1928, pp. 650 ff.; A. Legruen, Hinweise auf das Werden der Schriftzeichen, Vienna, 1928; P. Montet, Byblos et l'Egypte, Paris, 1930; M. Sprengling. The Alphabet, Chicago, 1931; E. Meyer, Geschichte des Altertums, Vol. II, Stuttgart, 1931; R. F. Butin, The Protosinaitic Inscriptions, "HARVARD THEOLOGICAL REVIEW," 1932; J. Friedrich, "DER ALTE ORIENT," 1933; J. Leibovitch, Les inscriptions protosinaïtiques, Cairo, 1934; H. Buchman, The creation of the signs of the cuneiform alphabet (in Polish), Warsaw, 1934; J. G. Février, L'alphabet de Ras Shamra et les alphabets sud-semitiques, "REVUE DES ÉTUDES SEMITIQUES," 1934: T. H. Gaster, The Chronology of Palestinian Epigraphy, "PALEST. EXPLOR. QUARTERLY," 1935 and 1937; W. F. Albright, in "JOURN. OF THE PALEST. ORIENTAL SOC.," 1935, etc.; J. Friedrich, in "ARCH. F. SCHREIB- UND BUCHWESEN," 1935, in "ZEITSCHR. D. DEUTSCHEN MORGENL. GES.," 1935. 37. etc.; H. L. Ginsberg, The Ugarit Texts (in Hebrew), Jerusalem, 1936; J. W. Jack, The Ras Shamrah Tablets, their Bearing on the Old Testament, Edinburgh, 1935; H. Bauer, Die Entstehung des Alphabets, "DER ALTE ORIENT," Leipsic, 1937; H. Grimme, Altsinaitische Forschungen, Paderborn, 1937; F. Bork, Das Ukirutische, die unbekannte Sprache von Ras Shamra, Leipsic, 1938; J. W. Flight, History of Writing in the Near East, "THE HAVERFORD SYMPOSIUM," New Haven (Conn.), 1938; J. Obermann, The Archaic Inscriptions from Lachish, New Haven, 1938; B. Maisler, Zur Urgeschichte des phanizisch-hebræischen Alphabets, "JOURNAL OF THE PALESTINE ORIENTAL SOCIETY," 1938; S. Yeivin, The History of the Jewish Script (in Hebrew), Part I, Jerusalem, 1938; B. Rosenkranz, Der Ursprung des Alphabets von Ras Shamra, "ZEITSCHR. DEUTSCH. MORG. GES.," 1938; K. Sethe, Vom Bilde zum Buchstaben. Die Entstehung der Schrift, Leipsic, 1939: R. Weill, La Phenicie et l'Asie occidentale, Paris, 1939; C.F.A. Schaeffer, The Cuneiform Texts of Ras Shamra-Ugarit, London, 1939, and Ugaritica, Paris, 1939; T.H. Gaster, The Archaic Inscriptions, in Lachish II, London-New York-Toronto, 1940: C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Grammar, Rome, 1940; J. Leibovitch, Recent Discoveries and Developments in Protosinaitic, "ANNALES DU SERVICE DES ANTIQUITÉS DE L'EGYPT," 1940; H. W. Fairman, Notes on the alphabetic signs, etc., "ANNALES DU SERVICE DES ANTIQUITÉS DE L'EGYPT," 1943: E. Drioton, Procédé acrophonique ou principe consonantal, "ANNALES DU SERVICE DES ANTIQUITÉS DE L'EGYPT," 1943; D. Diringer, The Origins of the Alphabet, "ANTIQUITY," 1943: B. Hrozný, Die hieroglyphische Stele von Byblos. Ein Entzifferungsversuch, "ARCHIVUM ORIENT. PRAGENSE," 1944; T. Baqir, The Origin of the Alphabet (in Arabic), "SUMER," Baghdad, July, 1945: most important: M. Dunand, Byblia Grammata, Beyrout, 1945: R, de Langhe, Les Textes de Ras Shamra-Ugarit, etc., 2 vols., Louvain, 1945; A. Bea, Die Entstehung der Schrift, "MISCELLANEA GIOVANNI MERCATI," Vatican City, 1946; E. Dhorme, Communication sur les texts pseudo-hieroglyphiques de Byblos en Phenicie, and Second communication, etc., sur le déchiffrement des inscriptions, etc., "ACAD. DES INSCRIPT. AND BELLES LETTRES," Paris, 2nd August and 27th September, 1946; W. F. Albright, "BULL. AMER. SCH. ORIEN. RES.", No. 109 (1948), pp. 13-15, and XXIst Int. Congr. of Orientalists (Paris, 1948); G. R. Driver, Semitic Writing etc., London, 1948, pp. 128-197: E. Dhorme, "SYRIA", XXV, pp. 1-35; R. Dussaud, L'origine de l'alphabet etc., ibid., pp. 36-52.