Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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The Ethiopic script has been adapted to all three tongues, Amharic (Fig. 112, 9), since about 1600, Tigre and Tigriña.
"CORPUS ISCRIPTIONUM SEMITICARUM" (CIS). Pars IV: Inscriptiones himyariticas atque sabeas continens, Paris, 1889 onwards. G. Ryckmans, "REPERTOIRE D'EPIGRAPHIE SEMITIQUE," Paris, 1900 onwards.
J. Halévy, Etudes sabiennes, "JOURNAL ASIATIQUE," 1873-1875.
D. H. Mueller, Epigraphische Denkmaler aus Arabien, Vienna, 1889.
E. Littmann, Zur Entzifferung der Safa-Inschriften, Leipsic, 1901; Bibliotheca Abessinica, 4 vols., Leyden and Princeton, 1904-1911; Zur Entzifferung der thamudenischen Inschriften, "MITTEILUNGEN DER VORDERASIATISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT," 1904; Thamud und Safa, Leipsic, 1940; Safaitic Inscriptions, Leyden,
F. Hommel, Exploration in Arabia (Hilprecht, Explorations in Bible Lands), Edinburgh, 1903.
M. Chaine, Grammaire éthiopienne, Beyrouth, 1907 (new edition, 1938). R. Dussaud, Les Arabes en Syrie avant l'Islam, Paris, 1907.
PP. Jaussen and Savignac, Mission Archéologique en Arabic, 2 vols., Paris,
1909, 1914
A. Grohmann, Ueber den Ursprung und die Entwicklung der ethiopischen Schrift, "ARCHIV FUER SCHIUFTKUNDE," 1915.
N. Rhodokanakis, Altsabarische Texte, "SITZUNGSBERICHTE DER WIENER AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN," 1927 and 1932.
D. Nielsen (in collaboration with F. Hommel, N. Rhodokanakis, and others), Handbuch der altarabischen Altertumskunde, Copenhagen, 1927.
I. Guidi, Summarium grammaticae veteris linguae arabicae meridionalis, Cairo, 1930.
H. Grimme, Die suedsemitsche Schrift. Ihr Wesen und ihre Entwicklung, "BUCH UND SCHRIFT," 1930; article in "ORIENTALISCHE LITERATUR ZEITUNG," 1938. K. Conti Rossini, Chrestomathia arabica meridionalis epigraphica, Rome, 1931; Studi Etiopici, Rome, 1944.
C. Rathjens and H. von Wissmann, Vorislamische Altertuemer, Hamburg, 1932. D. van der Meulen and H. von Wissmann, Hadramaut, Leyden, 1932.
G. Ryckmans, Où en est la publication des inscriptions sud-sémitiques? "ACTES DU XVIIIe CONGR. INTERN.LE DES ORIENTAL." 1931, Leyden, 1932; Les soms propres sud-sémitiques, 3 vols., Louvain, 1934; Rites and croyances, etc., "ACAD. D. INSCRIPT., COMPTES RENDUS," Paris, 1942.
J. A. Montgomery, Arabia and the Bible, Philadelphia, 1934.
E. Mittwoch, Aus der Fruehzeit der Saberistik, "ORIENTALIA," 1935.
F. Stark, The Southern Gates of Arabia, London, 1936; New York, 1945: Some Pre-Islamic Inscriptions, etc., "JOURN, OF THE ROY. ASIAT. SOCIETY," 1939. M. Cohen, Traité de la langue amharique (Abyssinie), Paris, 1936; Nouvelles études d'éthiopien meridional, Paris, 1939.
S. Zanutto, Bibliografia etiopica, 2nd ed., Rome, 1936.
F. V. Winnet, A Study of the Libyanite and Thamudic Inscriptions, Toronto,
B. Thomas, The Arabs, London, 1937
Ph. K. Hitti, History of the Arabs, London, 1937.
D. Diringer, Le origini della scrittura etiopica, "ATTI DEL III CONGRESO DI STUDI COLONIALI," Florence, 1937