Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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561 R. Larisch, Beispiele kuenstlerischer Schrift aus vergangenen Jahrhunderten, Vienna, 1926.
O. Barfield, History in English Words, London, 1926.
J. Castagne, La Latinisation de l'alphabet turk dans les républiques turko-tatares de l'U.R.S.S., Paris, 1929.
G. Vittani, Vozioni clementari di paleografia e diplomatica, Milan, 1930.
M. H. Jellinek, Ueber Aussprache des Lateinischen und deutsche Buchstabenramen, Vienna and Leipsie, 1930.
W. Ripman, English Phonetics, New York, 1931. M. Ihm, Palæographia Latina, and ed., Leipste, 1931.
A. Heal (and S. Morison), The English Writing-Masters and their Copy. Books, 1570-1800, Cambridge, 1931.
A. Milares Carlo, Tratado de Paleografia española, 2nd ed., Madrid, 1932. A. F. Johnson, Type Designs, etc., London, 1934. A. C. Baugh, A History of the English Language, New York, 1935 M. S. Serjeantson, A History of Foreign Words in English, New York, 1936. G. Battelli, Lezioni di Paleografia, Vatican City, 1936, D. Jones, An English Pronouncing Dictionary, 4th ed., London, 1937 Mallon-Marichel-Perrat. L'écriture latine, Paris, 1939.
C. Plantin, An Account of Calligraphy and Printing in the Sixteenth century. Foreword by S. Morison, Cambridge, Mass., 1940.
C. Holme, Lettering of To-day, New York, 1941. F. Mossé, Mantel de l'anglais du moyen, age, Paris, 1945 A. B. Allen, Romance of the Alphabet, New York, 1937. H. G. T. Christopher. Palæography and Archives, London, 1938. H. C. Schultz, Gothic Script of the Middle Ages, San Francisco, 1939. D. E. L. Haynes and P. E. D. Hirst, Porta argentariorum, New York, 1910 W. A. Craigie, Problems of Spelling Reform, Oxford, 1944. P. Heining, English Alphabet, London, 1947 I. and H. Reiner, Alphabets, St. Gall, 1947 0. Ogg, 26 Letters, New York, 1948. J. R. Parsell, One Alphabet, Kansas City, 1948 H. Peacey, Meaning of the Alphabet, Culver City, 1949.
See also the books on Lettering written by Edward Johnston, Graily Hewitt Edward F. Strange, and others, and the articles on Alphabet, Inscriptions. Palmrography, etc., in Encyclopaedia Britannica and similar works.