Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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F. G. Kenyon, Ancient Books and Modern Discoveries, Chicago, 1927. A. von Le Coq, Buried Treasures of Chinese Turkestan, London, 1928. H. Guppy, Stepping Stones to the Art of Typography, Manchester, 1928; Human Records: A Survey of their History from the Beginning, "BULL. OF THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY," Manchester, 1942.
H. Degering, Die Schrift etc., Berlin, 1929.
Th. W. Danzel, Die Anfange der Schrift, and ed., Leipsic, 1929.
C. Fougères, Les premières civilisations, Paris, 1929.
E. B. Tylor, Primitive Culture. A reissue, 2 vols., London, 1919; Anthropology etc., new edition, 2 vols., London, 1930.
1. Kuerz and R. Hadl, Der naturlautliche Ursprung von Sprache und Schrift etc., Leipsic, 1930.
A. Wodrze, zum Problem der Schrift, etc.
B. Ducati, La Scrittura, Padua, 1931.
H. Tentor, Writing and the Origins of the Alphabet, in Croatian, Zagreb, 1931. H. Pedersen, Linguistic Science in the Nineteenth Century, Harvard University Press, 1931
W. L. Graff, Language and Languages, New York, 1932.
(G. F. von Ostermann and A. E. Giegengack), U.S.A. Government Printing Office, Foreign Languages etc., 2nd ed., Washington, 1935.
"THE DOLPHIN" (especially "THE DOLPHIN" No. 3), New York, 1933 onwards. "TYPOGRAPHY," London, Shenval Press, 1936-1939 (a magnificent quarterly, but unfortunately only the numbers 1-8 have been published).
D. Diringer, L'Alfabeto nella Storia della Civiltà, Florence, 1937
S. H. Hooke, The Early History of Writing, "ANTIQUITY," 1937.
J. Friedrich, review of D. Diringer, L'Alfabeto etc., "ZEITSCHER. D. DEUTSCH. MORGENI. GESELLSCH.," 1937; Zu einigen Schrifterfindungen der neuesten Zeit, the same journal, 1938.
B. H. Newdigate, The Art of the Book, London, 1938.
H. Jackson, The Printing of Books, London, 1938.
"THE ANNUAL OF BOOKMAKING", New York, 1938 onwards.
K. Sethe, l'om Bilde zum Buchstaben etc., Leipsic. 1939.
P. Carleton, Buried Empires. London, 1939.
W.F.Albright, From the Stone Age to Christianity, Baltimore, 1940; Archaeology and the Religion of Israel, Baltimore, 1942.
B. Celada, Cuestiones varias del Antiguo Oriente, "SEFARAD," (Madrid), I, 1941. M. Burrows, What Mean These Stones?, New Haven, 1941.
E. Peruzzi, Problemi grafici indo-mediterranei preindoeuropei, "ANNALI DELLA R. SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA," 1941; A propósito de las escrituras mediterráneas, "AMPURIAS" (Barcellona), 1942.
T. Thompson, The ABC of our Alphabet, London and New York, 1942; 1945. D. C. McMurtrie, The Invention of Printing: A Bibliography, Chicago, 1942; The Book, etc., 3rd ed., New York, 1943
W. J. Martin, The Origin of Writing. Jerusalem, 1943M. Schlauch, The Gift of Tongues, London, 1943.
F. Bodmer, The Loom of Language, London, 1943.
J. Tschichold, Geschichte der Schrift in Bildern, Basel, 1946.
A. C. Moorhouse, Writing and the Alphabet etc., London, 1946. G. Contenau, Manuel d'Archéologie Orientale, IV, Paris, 1947.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Americana, and similar works.
Guides, Catalogues, Handbooks, Facsimiles, etc., published by the British Museum, and other Museums of Antiquities, Art Galleries, and similar institutions.