Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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INDEX Latin-Turkish alphabet, 554
Long-headed; see Dolichocephalie Latinian, 501, 505
Lou-lan inscriptions, 302 Latino sine flexione, 559
Lu, 415 Latium, 505
Lu'ash, 225 Laz dialect, 322
Lucca hand, 544 Lebanon, 282
Lucera (South Italy), 472 Lecce (South Italy), 472
Luchuan, 185 Lecco (Lake), 500
Lugano inscriptions, 500 Lee, Li; see Hainan
Luhanas; see Thattai Legibility, 570
Luili, Luwian, 90 Lekha, lekhaka, lekham chindati, 329, 332 Lu-k'iüan-hyen, 143 Leleges, 466
Luku; see Lycian Lemnos, 452
Lulu; see Lo-lo Lemuria, 19, 136
Luoravetlan, 157 Lena River, 568
Lusatians, 483 Leningrad Codex, 261
Lu-tze (Tribe), 29 Lepcha script, 353, 356 f.
Luwu, 430 Lepontic alphabet, 496, 499 ff.
Luxor; see Thebes Leprignano, 494, 496
Luzaga, 251 Lesbos, 501
Luzon, 422, 432 ff. Levant, 263; see also Near East
Lycian, 257, 462 ff., 465 f. Leyden, 509
Lydian, 255, 257, 463, 465 f., 495 Lha-b-Tsun Chhen-po, 356
Lydio-Aramaic inscriptions, 466 Lha-sa, 353
Lydio-Greek inscriptions, 466 Liang (Mount); see Ta Liang-shan Liao dynasty, 147 Liberia, 178
M=1,000, its origin, 536 Libyan, 121, 248 f., 251 f.
Macartney Collection, 352 Lien tzů, 108
Macassarese, 331, 430 Ligatures, 64, 67, 173, 191, 275, 279. Maccabees, 243, 261 289, 306, 324, 480, 484, 488
Macedonia, 475 Ligor, 408, 427
Mackenzie River, 183 Ligurian-Celtic; see Lepontic
Madagascar, 295 f., 276, 420 Ligurians, 252, 500
Madhya, 424 Lihyanian or Lihyanite, 224 ff. Madhyadesa, 343, 362 Li-kiang, 142
Madras Presidency, 338 f., 341, 344 f., Lincoln, 511
365 f., 379 ff., 384, 393, 399 Linear scripts, 75 f., 165, 205
Madrid Codex, 125 Lingayen (Gulf of), 433
Madura district, 341, 382, 385, 399 Lingua franca, 53, 254 ff., 280 ff., 312, Madurese, 426
346, 353, 362, 420, 553, 558 f. Madya; see Madhya Linos, 451
Melar Lake, 521 Lipi ("writing*'), 301, 332, 338
Mzeshowe inscriptions, 511 Li shu script, 103, 107 f.
Magadha, 334. 339. 341 E., 358, 369 Li Ssů, roz, 108, 110
Magahi, 367, 369 Lisu (Li-su) dialects, 185
Magdeburg, 532 Lithic: see Neolithic, Palaeolithic and Magellan, 433: strait of 365 Stone Age
Maggiore (Lake), 500 Lithic styles; see Monumental scripts Maghribi script, 270, 272 Liturgical hands, Liturgy, 280, 283. Magic, 21 ff., tog, 155. 291, 507. 514.
286 ff., 309, 393, 396, 415, 467, 470, 475. 485 f., 504, 550
Magliano; see "Piombo" of Magliano Liu shu ("six scripts"), 110
Magna Græcia, 455, 472, 493, 504 Li-zu; see Lisu
Magnesia, 452 Locri, 455. 472
Magre inscriptions, 499 ff. "Logical aggregates" symbols, 112
Magyar; see Hungarian Lo-los, 141 ff., 185
Mahajani script, 362, 371, 372 ff. 376 Lombardic hand, 44
Mahanadi, 341 Londoner, 555
Mahanaman inscription, 358
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