Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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INDEX 362 f., 369, 372, 380, 382 ff., 386 f., Demotic, 64, 66 f., 190 f., 195 f., 469 f. 392, 407 ff., 419, 457 ff., 470 ff. Denbigh (County), 525 479 f., 486 f.. 488 f., 514, 516, 537 f., Déné; see Tinné 540 f., 544 ff., 590
Denmark, 508 f., 513, 518, 522 Cyclades, 455
Deogarh, 338 Cylinder seals. 43, 51
Destruction of books, 125, 132, 137, Cypriote, 29, 36, 40, 87, 119, 158, 160, 393, 434; see also Burning of manu
165 fl., 197 f., 203, 212, 215, 217, scripts and Inquisition 245 f., 329. 456, 465 f.
Determinatives, 43, 45, 60, 70, 95, 115, Cypro-Minoan, -Mycenaan script,
191 167 f.
Deva-nagari character, 186, 330, 354, Cypro-Phænician, 237, 245 f.
358 ff., 365, 367 ff. 371 ff., 377 f., Cyrillic scripts, 270, 461, 475 ff., 553, 381, 390, 408, 424, 445, 571
568; see also Russian and St. Cyril Devanampiya Piyadasi; see Asoka Cyrus, 187, 465
Devehi Hakuna script; see Dives Akuru Czech, 37, 483, 553 f., 559
"Devilish scrolls", 121 "Devil-worshippers"; see Yezidi
Devon (County), 525 DACIA, 541
Dhamapalasa; !e- Dharmapala Daghesta, 568
Dhanabhuti Vacchiputa, 343 Dag R'ali, 249
Dhanakataka, 342 Dahomey, 563
Dharmapala (King). 332 f... 338 Dakota tribes, 33
Diacritical marks, 14 f., 266, 276, 284, Dakshinapatba, 387; see also Deccan 288, 298, 300, 319, 353, 361, 378, Dalarna, 523
392, 420, 431, 443, 483, 88, 498, Dalmatia, 484 f., 544
500, 522, 544; see also Vocalization Damascus, 29, 227, 254 f., 267, 271 L Diamper (Synod of), 393 Damila; see Dravidian and Tamil Diarbekr, 296 Daniel (Syriac bishop). 321
Dibon, 243 Danish, 517 f., 520 ff.; see also Denmark Diego de Landa (Bishop), 13aff., 434 Danish invasion, 546 f.
Digamma inversum, 538 Darien, 155
Digraphic inscriptions, 407. 525. 527 Darius, 51, 187 f., 304. 306
Dinaya inscription, 423 f. "Dark Age" (Greece), 449
Dionysius, 501 Dating of scripts; see under names of Diplomatic scripts, 214 individual scripts
Direction of writing, 47 f., 63, 66 f., 75. David, 236, 238
79, 94, 117, 137, 143, 147, 153, 155, David II (Georgian King), 324
167, 179, 204 f., 217, 223, 226, 231, Dayak (Tribe), 421
247 ff., 251, 264, 266, 275, 284, 295f., Dbu-chan script, 330, 353 ff., 357
300, 302, 314 ff., 321, 336, 338 f., Dbu-med script, 330, 353 ff.
341, 355, 384, 391 f., 405, 420, 429. Dead Sea, 243
436, 438, 443, 451 ff., 466, 493 ff., Deaf Mutes, 20
503 f., 506, 514, 526, 526, 528, 530 f., Deccan, 342, 344, 360, 372, 378 f., 399; 533 ff.
-(Early Western), see Andhra Discoveries, XI, 120, 137, 148, 163. Decipherment of scripts, 55 f., 68 ff.. 212, 302, 337, 347 ff., 351, 357,
77 f., 85 f., 93 ff., 106, 127, 131 ff.. 405, 408 f., 422, 433, 490, 497 137. 161 ff., 168, 200 ff., 226, 251, Distinctive marks, 29 312, 314, 338, 347, 399, 407, 409, Divehi Raije; see Maldivian 464 f., 493, 511, 531
Dives Akuru script, 391 ff. Dedanite alphabet, 227
Divinations, 31, 102, 127, 295, 485, 490, De-fa(t) Tana script, 393
507, 514; see also Honan "Deflections and Inversions," 113 "Divine characters" (Japanese), 169. 444 Dehes, 284
Diwani script, 274 Delaware Chronicle," 33
Djeri script, 274 Delhi, 362, 371
Djong, 142 Delos, 223, 225
Doab, 362 Delphi, 472, 495
Doan; see Aiton "Democratic" seript, 214, 259
Dog-Aramaic, 259
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