Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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583 Chà Sung, 102
Coorg; see Kudagu Chuvash-Turkish, 483, 568
Copan, 123 Chwee; see Twi
Coptic, 67, 70, 191, 330 ff., 270, 287. Ci-Aruton (Java), 383
327, 467 fr. Cicero, 538
Coran; see Qur'an Cilicia, 245, 257 f., 280, 465, 467 Coreyra (Island), 450 Civilization, XI, 19 f., 533
Corea; see Korea "Civilized world, 572
Corinthian, 452, 455, 472, +93 498 Civita Castellana; see Falerii
Cork (County), 533 Classification of Chinese symbols, 108 ff. Cornwall (County), 525 Claudius (Emperor), 538
Coromandel Coast, 402, 423 Clement of Alexandria, 58, 64, 66 Coronation Gulf (Canada), 183 "Clog-almanacks," 508
Cos (Island), 267 Closed syllables, 166, 446, 500, 555 Cosmas Indicopleustes, 393 Clouds (Script of the), 108
Council of Chalcedon, 285, 288 Cnossus; sex Knossos
Council of Ephesus, 283, 288 Coastal Malays, 428
Court cases in Nsibidi script, 149 f. Coat-armour, 29
Court hands (Latin), 544, 547 ff. Cochin, 393
Crane People; sec Aztecs Cochinchina, 401, 403
Crassus, 304 Codices, 125, 320, 459, +73 f., 509, 315. Cree syllabaries, 177, 181 ff. 517, 519 f. 523, 542, 544. 546
Creed, 572; see also Churches and under Coins, 236 f., 242 f., 302, 332 f., 338, names of individual religions 461 i.. 502
Creek; see Muskhokee Cola Gruntha Script, 384
Cretan scripts, 24, 29, 33, 35, 40, 72 ff., Colchis, 322
95 f., 160, 163, 167, 195 ff., 215 f. Colle, 494. 496
221, 351, 339, 449 f., +35 E., 462, Collingham inscription, 511
463 f. "Colonial Phoenician: see Phoenician Crimea, 265, 568 Colour-oghams, 529
Croatian, 37, 476 F., 483 484 f., 493. Columbus, 541
553 £; see also Serbo-Croatian Combinations of two or more letters, Crosus, 465 553 f., see also Ligatures
Cross (Sign of the), 553 Comiso, 504
Cross River, 149 Common Teutonic ruines, 512, 517 ff. "Cross-runes"; see Tjaldrúnir Communication of ideas, 20, 149, 151, Crucifixion (Poems on the), 509 169, 302449, 516, 572
Cruithen, Cruithentuath, Cruithni, Comorin (Cape). 379
Cruitnech; se Picts Completion of the alphabet, 566
Cryptic scripts, 148 ., 292, 296 ff., Confucianism, 444
315, 355, 393. 480, 486, 88. 515. Congo, 28 f.
523, 525, 529, 363, 568 f. Conjeeveram; see Kanchi
Cufic; see kufic Connection between scripts, 13, 139 ff. Cuicateco, 126
149, 168, 207, 217, 227 ff., 248, 251, Cultivation of wheat, 120 280, 201, 314, 328 f., 343, 364. 367. Cuma, 493, 504. 535 391, 400, 410, 415, 430, 440, 445: Cumberland, 309 448, 462, 466, 501, 528, 532; see also Cuna picture-writing, 135 Idea-diffusion
Cuneiform alphabet, 203 f. "Conquest (The)" (1066), 546
Cuneiform writing, 40 ff., 85, 88, 93. Consonantal principle, 15, 60, 161, 114, 128, 160, 167, 171, 186 ff., 197,
166, 176, 216 ff., 249, 264, 275, 283, 203, 206, 214 ff., 253, 259, 304, 335 312, 316, 336, 354.361, 407, 412, Curds; see kurds 415 f., 426, 453. 461
Curial script; see Official scripts Consonantal representation (Engl.), 558 Current handst see Cursive scripts Constantine, (u) (City), 248; (b) (Em- Cursive scripts, 64, 67, 93, 108, 173, peror), 339: (c) see St. Cyril
190 f., 226 F., 242, 247, 259, 262 f., Constantinople, 285, 288
268, 272, 274, 277 ff., 284, 289, Constantza, 279
291 f., 302, 306 ff., 312, 314, 321, Continental hands, 544, 547 ff.
324 f., 344 f., 348, 351 f., 354, 357 f.,
391, 400, 314, 328 f., 343, 34, 351, Cute
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