Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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INDEX Bosnia, 269 f., 276, 484
Burning of manuscripts, 125; see also Bosra, 267
Destruction and Inquisition Boustrophedon, 75, 94, 137, 155, 167, Bushmen, 23 f.
205, 226, 339, 452 f., 493 497 f., 504, Buzau (Province), 511 514, 534
Byblos, 24, 36, 40, 158 ff., 203 f., 205 f., Bowata, 388
210, 214, 229 Bower MSS., 352
Byron, 320 Box-headed script, 380, 403
Byzantium, 285, 286, 480 Brachigraphy; see Stenography Brachycephalous type, 165 Bracteates, 507 ff.
C=100, its origin, 536 Brahmani-Oriya script, 366
Cadmean, Cadmie, Cadmos, 451, 493 Brahmanic Grantha script, 384 Cadmon, 509 Brahmanism, 333, 336, 338, 342 ff., 346, Cære vetus, Cervetri, 494 ff.
358, 360 ff., 366 ff., 384 f., 402, 405, Cairo, 257, 261, 265 423
Calabar (Province), 148, 563 ff. Brahmi scripts, 85, 217, 301 ff., 328 ff., Calabria (Region), 501 361, 364, 379, 385 ff., 440
Caledonians, 531 Brampton, 509
Calendars, 123, 129, 133, 212 f., 238, 507 Brandsbutt inscription, 530 f.
California, 25 f., 34 Brazil, 26
Calligraphy XII, 25, 108, 115, 173, 226, Brecknock (County), 525
232, 262 f., 269, 272, 279, 292, 302, Brenner Pass, 500
345, 357, 363, 407, 411, 544, 570 Brier inscriptions, 532
Caltagirone, 504 Brihadrata, 342
Calumet, 28 Brindisi, 471 f.
Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, 433 Bristol Bay, 157, 183
Cambodia, 401 ff., 413, 424, 427 Britain, British Isles, 373, 415, 509 ff. Cambyses 223
525, 528, 531, 544, 553: see also Cameroons, 151 Anglian runes, Anglo-Saxon scripts, Campania (Region), 490, 502, 535 English alphabet
Campano-Etruscan alphabet, 503 British Columbia, 177
Canaanite scripts, 53, 88, 160, 201, 214, British Shan States, 415 f., 4
221, 235-248, 255; see also North British Sikh soldiers, 376
Semitic and Palestine Britons, 518
Canada, 155, 181 ff. Bronze Age, 72, 161, 163, 167 f., 205 ff., Canara, Canarese; see Kanarese 221, 449
Canary Islands, 249 Bronze Tablets, 158, 164, 337, 504 Canopus (Decree of), 70 Broos; see Transylvania
Cantonese, 99, 413 Bucarest, 511
Capera-Faliscan script, 506 Bud'da (Aksara). 425 f.
Capestrane inscription, 497 Buddhism, 169 ff., 260, 3or f., 310, 312, Capital letters, 321, 458, 537, 541; see
316, 328 ff., 334 ff., 353 ff., 385, 388, also Monumental scripts 391, 401 ff., 407 ff., 410 f., 414, 424, Cappadocia, 53, 257, 280, 467 427, 444 f.
Capua inscriptions, 503 Buethaqukye alphabet, 488
Carcherish, 89, 91 H 254 Buginese, 331, 421, 430 f., 435 f., 441 Cardigan (County), 535 Buhil, 433, 435, 437
Carian script, 165, 463 464 f. 466 Bukhara, 310
Carian-Egyptian inscriptions, 466 Bukhil, Bukil; see Buhil
Carinthia, 498, 511 Bukvitsa, 484
Carlisle, 311 Bulalacao, 433, 437
Carmarthen (County), 525 Bulgarian, 473, 476 ff., 480 ff., 484 f. Carmathian; se Qarmathian Bulu (Tribe), 430
Carmen (of the period of Silla), 533 Bundelkhandi, 380
Carnarvon (County), 525 Burgundy, 511
Carnatic, 379 Buriat script, 318 ff.
Carolina (U.S.A.); see North Carolina Burmese, 98 f., 142, 145 f., 184 f., 401 f., Caroline, Carolingian hand, 537, 547 ff. 405, 408 ff., 413 ff., 418, 420
Caroline Islands, 26. 446
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