Some 150,000 inscriptions are now accessible in print. They are collected in Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Berlin, 1862 onwards; the volumes are arranged geographically; supplements are issued as Ephemeris Epigraphica, A convenient selection is H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latince selectæ, 3 vols., Berlin, 1892-1916. Excellent introductions are: R. Cagnat, Cours d'épigraphie latine Paris, 1890; W. M. Lindsay, Handbook of Latin Inscriptions, illustrating the History of the Language, Boston and Chicago, 1897: J. C. Egbert, Introduction to the Study of Latin Inscriptions, 2nd ed., New York, 1908; L. Schiaparelli, La scrittura latina nell'età romana, Como, 1921; and J. E. Sandys, Latin Epigraphy. and ed., Cambridge, 1927.
Paleographical Society and New Palæographical Society, Facsimiles of Manuscripts and Inscriptions (edited by E. A. Bond, E. Maunde Thompson, G. F. Warner, F. G. Kenyon and G. P. Gilson), two series each, London, 1873-83. 1884-94, 1903-12, 1913-30. Indices, 1901, 1994, 1932.
T. L. De Vinne, Historic Printing Types, New York, 1886, W. Wattenbach, Das Schriftroesen im Mittelalter, 3rd ed., Leipsie, 1896. G. Moorhouse, F6-no-riteng, etc., Cambridge, Mass., 1904.
S. C. Cockerell and E. F. Strange, Catalogue of Muminated Mamuscripts London, 1908.
J. Vendryes, Grammaire du viel-irlandais, Paris, 1908.
R. Thurneysen, Handbuch des alt-Irisch, Heidelberg, 1909; and, ed. (in English) A Grammar of Old Irish, Dublin, 1946.
W. Saunders, Ancient Handwritings. Manual for Students of Palæography, Walton on Thames, 1909.
F. Steffens, Lateinische Palcographie, 2nd ed., Trier, 1909. M. F. Moore, Works Relating to English Paleography, London, 1913.
E. Maunde Thompson, Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaography, Oxford, 1912; Latin Paleography, in Sandys' Companion, 1921.
E. A. Lowe, The Beneventan Script. A History of the South Italian Minuscule, Oxford, 1914; Codices latini antiquiores, Oxford, 1934 onwards (1. The Vatican City, II. Great Britain and Ireland, etc.).
S.C. Cockerell, La calligraphie et l'enluminure modernes en Angleterre, Paris, 1914.
C. Johnson and C. H. Jenkinson, English Court Hand, A.D. 1066 to 1500, Oxford, 1915
H. B. Van Hæsen, Roman Cursitc Writing, Princeton, 1915.
C. H. Jenkinson, Palæography and the Practical Study of Court Hand, Cambridge, 1915: The Later Court Hands in England, etc., Cambridge, 1927.
0. Jespersen, Grotth and Structure of the English Language, Leipsic, 1919. A. Mentz, Geschichte der griechisch-remischen Schrift, etc., Leipsic, 1920. M. Prou, Manuel de paléographie latine et française, 4th ed., Paris, 1924
A. F. Johnson and S. Morison, The Chancery Types of Italy and France, etc., London, 1924.
S. Morison, On Script Types, "THE FLEUROX," London, 1925; Type Designs of the Past and Present, London, 1926; Eurły Humanistic Script and the First Roman Type, London, 1943: The Typographic Arts: Past, Present and Future, Edinburgh, 1944.