Book Title: Alphabet Key To History Of Mankind
Author(s): David Diringer
Publisher: Hutchinsons Scientific and Technical Publications
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THE ALPHABET figures, as in the old systems, but by slight variations in the spelling. See W. Simon, The Neto Official Chinese-Latin Script, London, Probsthain, 1942.
J. Edkins, Introduction to the Study of the Chinese Characters, London and Hertford, 1876.
S. Couvreur, Dictionnaire classique de la langue chinoise, Ho-kien-fu, 1904.
F. H. Chalfant, Early Chinese Writing, "MEMOIRS OF THE CARNEGIE MUSEUM," Pittsburgh, 1906; 2nd edition, 1911.
A. Forke, Neuere Versuche mit chinesischer Buchstabenschrift, "MITTEIL. DES SEMINARS FUER ORIENTALISCHE SPRACHEN," Berlin, 1906; Der Ursprung der Chinesen auf Grund ihrer alten Bilderschrift, Hamburg, 1923.
B. Laufer, A Theory of the Origin of Chinese Writing, "AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST," 1907; Archaic Chinese Bronzes of the Shang, Chou and Han Periods, New York, 1922; Paper and Printing in Ancient China, Chicago, 1931.
L. C. Hopkins, The Development of Chinese Writing, London, 1910; The Chinese Numerals and their Notational System, "JOURNAL OF THE ROY. ASIAT. SOCIETY," 1926; Pictographic Reconnaissances, the same journal, 1916-1928; L'écriture dans l'ancienne Chine, "SCIENTIA," 1920; On Chinese Characters in T. L. Bullock, Chinese Written Language, 3rd ed.), Shanghai, 1923.
G. Owen, The Evolution of Chinese Writing, Oxford, 1911.
J. Chalmers, An Account of the Structure of Chinese Characters, and ed., Shanghai, 1911.
E. Chavannes, Les Documents Chinois découverts par Aurel Stein, Oxford, 1913.
0. Franke and B. Laufer, Epigraphische Denkmaler aus China, Berlin, 1914. A. Vissière, Premières leçons de chinois, 2nd ed., Leyden, 1914 M. Courant, La langue chinoise parlee, Paris and Lyon, 1914.
B. Schindler, Die Prinzipien der chinesischen Schriftbildung. "OSTASIATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT," Berlin, 1915-1916, Die aussere Gestalt der chinesischen Schrift, the same journal, 1916-1918, etc.
B. Karlgren, Contributions à l'analyse de caractères chinois, "HIRTH ANNIVERSARY VOLUME," London, 1922, Sound and Symbol in Chinese, London, 1923: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese, Paris-Vienna, 1923; Philology and Ancient China, Oslo, 1926; The Romanization of Chinese, London, 1928; Yin and Chou in Chinese Bronzes. On the Script of the Chou Dynasty, Stockholm, 1936; Grammata Serica, Seript and Phonetics in Chinese and Sino-Chinese, Stockholm, 1940.
T. L. Bullock and H. A. Giles, Progressive Exercises in the Chinese Written Language, London and Shanghai, 1924.
Ch'u Te-i, Bronzes antigues de la Chine, Paris and Brussels, 1024. A. J. Koop, Early Chinese Bronzes, London, 1924.
Takata Tadahiro, Kochu hen. Encyclopædia of Archaic and Seal Characters, Tokyo, 1925.
R. B. Blakney, A Course in the Analysis of Chinese Characters, Shanghai, 1926.
H. Maspero, La Chine antique, Paris, 1927; La langue chinoise, Paris, 1934.
L. Wieger, Chinese Characters, Hsien-hsien, 1927, and Peking, 1940; China throughout the Ages, Hsien-hsien, 1928.
F. Wichner, Ueber den chinesischen Kalender, "ARCHIV FUER SCHREIB- UND BUCHWESEN," 1927; Lateinschrift in China, the same journal, 1930.