Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 7 Ch. 9
A. 143. Gautama ! The Lord of the Thunder (Indra) and Videhaputra (Konika) won the battle, and the nine Malla chiefs, nine Licchavi chiefs, and eighteen gana-rulers from Kasi and Kośala lost it. Having known that Mahāśilākanṭaka battle was about to break out, King Konika called his officers and said unto them,
"Oh beloved of the gods! Prepare at once the royal elephant named Udai, mobilise the four-fold army consisting of the infantry, cavalry, chariots and elephants, and report back to me at once."
तएणं ते कोटुंबियपुरिसा कोणिएणं रण्णा एवं वृत्ता समाणा हट्ठतुट्ठ ... अंजलि कट्टु एवं सामी तहत्ति' आणाए विणणं वयणं पडिसुगंति पडिणित्ता खिप्पामेव छयायरियोवएसमंतिकपणा विकप्पेहिं सुणिउणेहिं एवं जहा उववाइए जाव... भीमं संगामियं अउज्यं उदाहं हत्थिरायं पडिकप्पेंति हयगय जाव... सण्णार्हेति सण्णाहित्ता जेणेव कूणिए राया तेणेव उवागच्छंति उवागच्छित्ता करयल जाव... कूणियस्स रण्णो तमाणत्तियं पच्चप्पिणंति । तएण से कूणिए राया जेणेव मज्जणघरं तेणेव उवागच्छति उवागच्छित्ता मज्जणघरं अणुप्पविसइ मज्जणघरं अणुप्पविसित्ता व्हाये कयबलिकम्मे कयको उय मंगलपायच्छित्ते सव्वालंकारविभूसिए सण्णद्धबद्धवम्मियकवए उप्पीलियसरासणपट्टीए पिणद्धगेवेज्जविमलवरबद्ध चिधपट्टे गहियाउहप्पहरणे सकोरिंटमल्लदामेणं छत्तेणं धरिज्जमाणेणं चउचामरबालवीइयंगे मंगलजयसद्द कथालीए एवं जहा उववाइए जाव... उवागच्छित्ता उदाई हत्थिरायं दुरूढे ।
Being ordered like this by King Konika, the officers who were close to the king were highly delighted and pleased. They touched their forehead with folded palms and made following submission :
“Thy Majesty ! As it may please thee !”
Thereafter they prepared the great royal elephant Udai in manner described in the Aupapātika Sutra, making him ready for the ensuing great battle. Then they organised the four-fold army consisting of the infantry, cavalry, elephantry and chariots. Having completed all arrangements, they came back to the king and communicated to him the due fulfilment of his orders.