the Gitā. As the Gîtā is the pivot of all the spiritual world so is the 'Apārva Avasara'. It is the essence of spirituality. To digest it, one requires a specific merit. He who possesses it, attains liberation."
Thus from the few illustrations quoted above it becomes obvious that the prefaces, introductions etc., accompanying the different works of Śrímad and forming the secondary source of Śrîmad's study, serve our purpose very well.
Independent works by Śrîmad's disciples and followers may also be included in the secondary sources for studying Srimad's life and philosophy. Sri Laghurāja Swāmıs occupies a unique place among Śrīmad's disciples. Though he was quite senior in age to Srimad and though he was a Jaina monk, he became Srimad's devoted disciple and received from him the authority to initiate others in Śrîmad's way of spiritual discipline. There are about 112 letters addressed to him by Srímad. After Śrīmad's death he established the āśrama at Agas in memory of his revered Guru and propagated the teachings of śrīmad upto his last breath. His worthy disciple Brahmacārī Govardhanadāsaji collected his master's informal discourses on Srímad's works and published under the title Upadeśāmrta ( V.