Jain Education International
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"FAST ! youth a fanfarfer: of Jay a siņ hadeva went forafqatsfel"
ward well-equipped. When the curtain
was removed, Jagaddeva and his Siddharāja replied: " These
party beheld the king surrounded by sweet words are false; the epithet
damsels. They went back. Their king 4161' employed by you for me
asked, "Why have you retreated ?" before your ministers reveals the
Jagaddeva replied :" With whom fact."
are we to fight? Your Majesty may Ma da na var man laughed better observe the situation yourself.” and asked: "O Siddhesa! who Ja ya simha deva dismounted told you like that?"
from his horse and rushed forward.
King Mada na brahman too got Siddhesa replied: “The same
down. Both embraced each other and ministers of yours! With what
friendship prevailed. A great recepmotive did you use bad words for
tion festival took place. Siddhame ?"
nätha approached the gates along
with the king observing a number of Mada navarman replied :
spectacles and listening to a number of "da! H ah, tai sifat, NTT musical instruments. In this way they 7578f:, F 90, Jalfe gou: mici 2771 took nine days to reach the pond grad, aafu wa a pont, ad faday, Candrajyotsnå, having taken तत् कथं न कनाडिकस्त्वम् ।"
ablutions wherein, they arrived at the Siddhesa said:
gate of the Dhavalagrha observing the