of the Cauluky as hailing from certain place called Bhelad i, probably the village of that name near Disa in North Gujarat a.
(10) SILANU KUTIGIU is described in other Prabandha-works as an intelligent jester ( kantukin). PC (p. 74) cites an incident wherein Sila na, the jester, is stated to have tactfully propitiated king Siddha. rāja enraged at his pronouncing the expression "Bedāyām samudro mugnah", by interpreting it as "the ocean in the form of the Māla va king Ya so varman sank in the boat in the form of Gujarat a." Another prabandha in PC (p. 96 ) and one in PK (p. 99 ) relate how intelligently jester Silan a forced king Aja ya pala to refrain from destroying the Jaina temples constructed by his predecessor Kumāra pāla. PPS (pp. 47-48 ) relates this tactful incident with special reference to the temples on Tāra pa gadha (mod. Tär a' g å bills in North Gujarāta). Sila na may be a historical figure; all the same it is difficult to believe that the jester of Siddharāja's court and that of Ajay a pā were one and the same person. We may contend, however, that he was very young when he started his career as a jester in Siddhar å ja's court and continued his job all through Kumara pāla's sway and in his old age he was able to teach a lesson to the latter's successor Aja y a pāla. Of course, the PC and PPS stories definitely mean an old man.
(11) Nothing is known about Ma da na Tangadin. The epithet. Tangadīu' might be indicative of his place of residence.
(12) HARAPĀLA SĀKARIU : The epithet. Sākariu' indicates that he was a well-known merchant of sugar-candy or sugar. In the next prahandha there is reference to Sa ka riyä sä ha Haripāla, father of Siddha rāja's minister Sajjana. The story of that prabandha is given in details by Subha silaganin in prabandha no. 97 of his Prabandha-pañcaśati or Pancasati-prabodhasambandha, composed in V. S. 1521 = 1465 A.D. There Harip a la says to his son Sajjana: "My son! What can we do? Now none honours us. In the reign of king Karna de va many such Kuhedās (i.e., problems ) had been broken (i.e., solved ) by me.” The king addresses Hari pala as 'kākā'' uncle' and the latter retorts that he is being addressed in that way because the king is in difficulty and that otherwise he would never remember him. In the end it is stated that the king honoured the ex-minister with generous gifts: Pürvamantrinami bahudravyad ārät saumanayāmasa. t It appears from these re
† Vide the relevant portion in the chapter on " Relation With Other Prabandha-Works "
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