decl. 'gone for collecting or eating (grains)'. 24.17. Nom.
pl. m. of Pkt. चुणण + गय. Pkt. चुणण is an abstract noun derived for Sk. Vचि 'to collect'. Pkt. गय is p.p.p. of
Pkt. V जा <sk. /गम् 'togo'; thus Pkt. गय=Sk. गत. f. 'the eighth day of the bright half of the month of
Caitra'. 5.5.
Vide महणाष्टमी. n. a fuel made of cow-dung'. तज्ज्ञात्वा छगणकानां मध्ये रत्नानि
क्षिपति । 16.10-II, छगणकानि सार्थे नीतानि । 13, छगणकमध्यादेक रत्नं नि:काश्य तेषां यच्छति । 13-14. cf. Guj. छाj. Vide LSJS 136
छगण ' cow-dung' (PPS ). decl. 'sprinklings'. सोनारूपानां सींगा करी छांटणां कीजइ । 4. II-12.
Nom. pl. of Guj. छांट' n. <Pkt. छंटण n., Desi छंट, छंटा. v. ' to touch and stop'. विक्रमादित्येन पटहो छिबितः। 17.8. राजा
सचिन्तो जातः । डङ्गरको वादितः । तस्य भ्रात्रा खीमधरेण छिबितः, अष्टौ दिना याचिताः। 25.23-26. I. This refers to a peculiar custom of proclamations of challenges for performing very difficult tasks. The proclamation was made with the beating of a drum at all principal crossways and other places. He who wished to accept the challenge touched the drum with his palm. We get copious references to this custom in Old Guj. lit. cf. Guj. Vछब् exactly in this sense. Vide LSJS 17 V (PC). Also vide Gurjararāsavali 3:30.छीपइ ' is touched'.
n. 'cloth-printing, cloth-colouring'.
रजकजाल्हाकावाससमीपे समागता । तस्य सप्तवधूपिच्छम्पन्न कुर्वन्ती गवाक्षे विलोकनाय समेता। 23.2-3. Vide LSJS 17 ( PC) and 136
(PPS) छिम्पिका 'a woman of the cloth-printer class'. v. (causal) 'to untie, to open'.
शिष्याभ्यां पत्रं छोटितम् । 31.L. cf. Guj., Hindi V छोड; Mar.
V सोड. Vide LSJS 63 (PK) and 136 (PPS); also
17 Vछुट्ट ( PC). v. 'are being untied'. कमलना भारा छोडीयई। 4.12. 3rd pers.
pl. passive present of Old Guj. Vछोड < Pkt. Vछोड
< Sk. Vछुट् (causal). cf. Guj., Hindi, Mar. Vछोड. ind. 'if'. जइ विहडस्यइ कलानु 21.14%3B
जइ ऊणा चुणणगया 24.17. Sk. यदि >Pkt. जइ > Old Guj. जइ. cf. Guj. जो.
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