our text, clarifies that he was a vegetable merchant. He might have represented in the royal court the guild of vegetable merchants. In all probability, he might have been appointed to the dignified post afterwards. 18.7.
81 an
- son of king Rina malla of Sura dhārapura in Sa u rästra. 18.18.
82 RTE
83 वाघलउ
84 farata 85 वील्हू वामणी
- a scholar at the court of Siddharāja Jaya
simha. The epithets Bhadū a chau and Vajra va yar ågara show that he was a jeweller ( vayarāgara=vajratakara] hailing from Bharūca or Broach, situated on the bank of the Narma dā and referred to in ancient literature as Bhțgukaccha or Bharukaccha;
cf. its Hindi version Bhad a uca. 18.9. - one of the two disciples of Vardha māna sūri, who were sent by him to Soma nátha, i.e. Prabhāsa Pāța na, where they vanquished the Gauda dialectician Deva ma hānanda after an eighteen-day contest. This was probably
his nick-name. 30.16. - king of the Kanūja country. 18.17. - a woman who was a great favourite of king Madan a bhrama. The epithet V âm ani
indicates that she was a dwarf. 5.1, 17; 6.5. -Satrusalya, one of the two sons of Hüņa
Țhepaniyā of Dabhoi. 22.13. -a courtier of Siddharāja Jay a si mh a.
18.10. - a king of Lakh a nā vati, adopted son of king
Ratna puñja and father of Srimātā. 29. 10. -- daughter of king Śrip uñja of Lakh a ņāvati, who practised penance at Mt. Ābu and, after death, became the Adhişth a yik å or tutelary deity of the mountain. 29.11, 20. - a courtier of Siddharāja Jay a si mh a.
Probably his name was Sekhara and he belonged
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89 sftaran
90 सढा सेखरा
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