over and above the peculiar and typically Jaina Sanskrit words. The Old Guj. and Pkt. words are placed here not in their crude form like the Sk. words but in the form in which they occur in the text; then the forms are explained and etemology given in all the cases where it is possible to do so. Comparison with modern Indian languages is furnished wherever possible and sample references (and quotations where essential) from Old Guj. lit. are also added where necessary. References to similar usages in PC, PK and PPS are also given, for details whereof the readers are requested to see the corresponding pages of the LSJS mentioned there. In this way, the present study may be regarded as being in continuation of the LSJS. The main intention of the editor is to furnish full information regarding the peculiarities of the language of the LPS, which, in proportion to its bulk, imbibes in it all the specialities of the Prabandha style, more so than any other known Prabandha work including PC, PK and PPS.
The references to the LPS are to the respective pages and lines of the printed text. The figures of references to LSJS indicate the respective pages of LSJS and the small brackets contain the names of the respective texts from which the usages are recorded there. For abbreviations used here the readers may refer to the list of abbreviations displayed at the outset of the book.
ind. [1]' before, to', sa na zisitsù still 5.14; 8.8; 11.7;
13.1 ; 14.14; 15.9, 13; 18.13; 22.19; 23.5; 28.11. (2) 'near, by'. 7556f 3117287.. 10.4. [3] 'in front'. Ta at Ata AMAT I 28.17. (4) 'formerly, in the past '. BTùsì fragt: 3 faqet: q8ffai
14.1; Basfogfezt HTI 24.14. Sk. 3 > Pkt. 371> Old Guj. 1977, 17. Mod. Gui. आगळ, अगाउ: Hindi आगे. The Guj. word आगळ does possess all these four shades of meaning. the meaning is not clear, but appears to be a proper noun being the name of the bard of king Madana
bhrama. 5.10. v, 'sets.' for 8%AF 27.9. This is a corrupted form of
3774#*, 3rd pers. sing. present of Pkt. V 37TH <Sk. +Vx'to set, to disappear'. cf. equivalent Guj. form
2114# ( ). ind. 'today'. 25.20. Sk. 349 > Pkt. 377 > Old Guj. 39,
3715 > Mod. Guj. 277. Also cf. Hindi, Mar, 315. adj. 'very generous, highly magnanimous'.
mfagiati har 3919: afut 1 2.1.
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