the LPS. On the basis of Internal Evidence, however, we can fix a particular period during which it must have been composed beyond any doubt,
Lower Limit:
At the close of the Jagaddeva-prabandha the following post-colophon entry is made:
"Sam. 1465 vaise caitra vadi 5 guruvāre'lekhi "
As the whole manuscript is written in the same hand, this date viz. V. S. 1465 ( = 1409 A.D.) must be regarded as the age of the manuscript. The date
omposition of the text must naturally be earlier than the date of copying. This furnishes the lower limit. Upper Limit:
Some historical personages appear in the different prabandhas of the LPS.
Firstly, Siddharāja J a ya simha, the great king of Gujarāta, the period of whose reign is regarded as the golden period in the history of Gujarāta, appears in six out of the ten prabandhas. The period of his reign is from 1094 to 1143 A.D. Naturally, therefore, our text was composed after 1143 A.D.
Secondly, there is a reference to king Paramadi of Kalyāņako tipura (1. 8-9 ) in the Jaga ideva-prabandha. In the Ganaya-inanayaindrajāli-prabandha ( 25. 12-14) there is a reference to a battle between king Ja ya simha and king Parimādi. Both these references are, in all probability, to king Para marddin also known as Vikramaditya VI, who belonged to the Cāluky a dynasty of Kalyã aka ța ka in South India. According to standard works on history he reigned during yo;6-1127 A.D. Therefore, our text was composed after 1127 A.D.
Thirdly, the Madanabhrama-prabandha (pp. 3-9) relates the story of king Madana bhrama who is called Madan abrahman in PPS and Mada na varman in PK. LPS states that he ruled at Kanti in Bengal; according to PPS he ruled at Kanti, the best of cities; while PK pronounces him to be the king of Mahoba ka in the east. Madanabrahman of PPS and Mada na ya r man of PK are identified with king M a da na varma de va of the Candela dynasty who ruled at Maho bã in Bundelakh anda during 1129-1163 A.D. Our text was, therefore, composed after 1163 A.D.
Fourthly, Jag a ddeva of the Jagaddeva-prabandha (pp. 1--2) was the prince of king Ud a yāditya of the Paramāra dynasty. This Uda. 12
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