Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 29
________________ JANUARY, 1878.) A REMARKABLE HYPÆTHRAL TEMPLE IN ORISSA. 19 And his son was Gundas armâ, the perfect this is the boundary. On the North, (there are) one, the powerful one, -virtuous, and compas. the village of Alapúru and the village of) sionate, and wealthy, and liberal, and highly Driņthama pûn di. On the North-east, honoured, and worshipped by men. His son (there is the village of Nandig ama; the was Pandiya, -worthy to be prescribed (as boundary of this village is the boundary of it. an example) for good people, possessing a per- No molestation is to be offered to this (grant); sonal appearance that was commended, having he, who offers it, becomes guilty of the five an undisturbed mind, pure, versed in the three great sins! And so it has been said by the (Vélas), and resolute in investigating proper holy V y â sa :-Land has been given by maný, behaviour. To him, the religious student, the and has been preserved (in grant) by many : pilgrim, who has devoted himself to conciliate he, who for the time being possesses land, ing my feet, the village named Padam ka- enjoys the benefit of it! He is born for the 1 û ru, in your district, has been given by us, duration of sixty thousand years as a worm in on the occasion of an eclipse of the moon, as an ordure, who appropriates land that has been Agráhara grantwith relinquishment of all given, whether by himself or by another ! A dues," in order to free him from the necessity gift of land, and the preservation of a grant of of continuing) his pilgrimages. The boundaries land),-both of these are said to be the means of it are :-On the East, (there is) (the village of performing religious duty; as to this matof) (?) Maru paduva; the boundary of ter-everyone gives from pleasure; therefore this is the boundary. On the South, (there is) preservation is more worthy than giving! The the village of Endal û ru; the boundary of specification is Kata karâ ja." The poetry this is the boundary. On the West, there is) is the composition of Madhavabhatta. the village of K&ņ druru; the boundary of It has been written by Jont & charya." NOTICE OF A REMARKABLE HYPÆTHRAL TEMPLE IN THE HILL TRACTS OF ORISSA; WITH REMARKS ON THE IDENTIFICATION OF ANCIENT SITES. BY SIR WALTER ELLIOT, K.C.S.I. In the month of October 1853 I received a whether Colonel Campbell meant over, or actually letter from my friend Colonel Campbell, C.B.,' resting on the animals, I cannot say. The Agent for the Suppression of Human Sacrifices, figure appeared to have three faces, in the right and Female Infanticide in Orissa, who had not hand a sceptre (P), in the left a lotus, but from long before returned to Russel Konda from the imperfection of the sketch it is impossible his annual tour through the Khond MAlias, to speak with any certainty on all the minutive enclosing a very rough sketch of a singular of detail. Regarding the niches round the intemple he had met with, some months before. side of the wall, all that can be said is, that It exhibits an open circular temple or enclo- they were ranged side by side, and amounted to sure of plain cut stone exteriorly, the interior some sixty or seventy in number: of these the of the wall occupied by niches, each containing Colonel wrote, “I am not sure whether there a statue or figure, which the Colonel described was any ornamental work over these figures, or as "goddesses," but of which no exact repre- whether they were seated or standing." sentation or description had been preserved. The following is the extract I got from In the centre, fronting the single doorway, is a Colonel Campbell's journal, when I met him at shrine, or mandapa, covering a slab, on which is a subsequent period, which contains all the incarved in relief a sitting figure, with the right formation he was able to furnish: foot on an elephant, the left on a bullock; but “[Wantarla], 28th January 1853. Went to see 13 Åkara, in this sense, is a Canarese corruption of a Sang- R. As. Soc., Vol. X., No. XX., p. 348. The expression is krit wordt one of not quite certain meaning. Conf. the amended *Ajnaptim Kata kardjak; 1. 68. Either Kata kardja reading (noted in the Errata to Vol. V. of Il. 10-11 of may be a proper name, of some noble or official; or it may No. XVIII. of this series (Vol. V., p. 176), Tatrajñaptın mean the king of (the country of) Kataka' (Cuttack); or it Kulakul?rura-bhjakah, and the Amended footnote to ma, mean the king (s.e. governor) of the city. In the last the translation of the same. Cont. slao, No. XXI., 11. case, the expression here used may be compared with 12-18, ante, p. 34), -Tatr=dridph Damaktrtti-bh/jakal, Atrandptirandurgapati Vijayardjak sasanakarta, in Jiyantaschdyuh takah sarudayawahaca iti. 11. 14-15, PL. II., a, cft. (P Chalukya) grant Jour. Bo. Br. Now Major-General Sir John Campbell, K.O.S.I.


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