Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 27
________________ JANUARY, 1878.] SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 17 [*] tan=dharâmarârâm charanam Vâjasaneyam=asti bhîyaḥ L śru[+] ti-chôdita-dharmma-yuktarn vara-yôgiśvara-Yajñavalkya-grihyam !! Tatr=abhava[*] d=Bharadvaja-gôtrah påtran-dvij-ôttamaḥ 1 Kalvatorru-nivåstavyo nÂmna PA{"] liyapeddiyah Tasy=&pi Gundaśarmm=&sit=sûnur=unétaraḥ prabhuḥ 1 Fourth plate; first side. [+] guņi, ghriņi dhani dậni mânî mânava-pujitaḥ | Tasyrabhavat=Paņdi["] ya-namadhêyas=satam vidhêyo nata-rûpa-dheyaḥ putrô yam-atra[+] sta-manah pavitras=trayi samâchåra-vichåra-nishthah Tasmai madiya[*'] påd-ârâdhana-tatparaya brahmachariņê kârppatikaya bha[*] vad-vishayo Padamkalûru-nama gråmas=sarvv-akara-pariharap) m=agrâhårikritya sôma-grahana-nimittamrasmâbhir=ddattas-tat-kappa(rppa)ta-vimo[] kshanam=uddiśy=êti || Tasy=îvadhayah (1) Pûrvvârvva)tah Marupa davam tasya si[') m=aiva simâ || Daksha (kshi)ņataḥ Endalûru tasya sim=aiva sîma || Paśchima Fourth plate ; second side. [] tah Kandra(?ộtrû)ru tasya sîm=aiva sîma | Uttaratah Alapůrnh Driņthama[S] půndi(?nti)s=cha || İśânatah Nandigâmah etad-grâma-sim=aiv=asya sima | A[5] syöpari na kênachid=badhâ karttavyâyah karoti sa pamcha-mahåpâta[0] ka-samyuktô bhavati [1] Tatha ch=ôktam bhagavata(ta) Vyåsena 1L Bahu. 7 bhir-vvasudha datta bahu[bhis-ch=anupâ lita yasya yasya ya["] da bhumis-tasya tasya tada phalam | Sva-dattam para-dattim và yê ha["O] rêta vasundharam shashti-varsha-sahasrîņi vishtaya (yan) jậyatê krimih [] Anyên={py=uktam Danam bhuvê napůlanam=ity=ubhayan dharmma-sadha Fifth plate. [*] nam prôktam=iha rågad-dadati sarv vastasmád=anupalanam=mabîyê [83] dânât | A(Q)jõảptih Katakarajah || Kavya(vyan) Ma(må)dhavabhatta(tta)sya il Jô[**] ntâchâryya (ryyê)ņa likhitam || Translation. Vishnuvardhana, — the son of his Hail! Kubja-Vishnuvardhana,--the younger brother, king Indra --(ruled) for brother of Satyaśraya-Vallabhêndra, nine (years). who adorned the family of the Châluk yas, His son, the Yuvarúja Mangi, (ruled) for who are glorious; who are of the lineage of twenty-five (years). Mâna vya, which is praised over the whole His son, Ja yasin ha, (ruled) for thirteen earth; who are the descendants of Hâriti; who (years). have acquired sovereignty through the excellent His younger brother, Kokkili, (ruled) for favour of Kausiki"); who have been cherished six months. by the assemblage of (divine) mothers; who His elder brother, Vishnuvardhana, meditate on the feet of S và mi-Mah â sê na; having expelled him, (ruled) for thirty-seven who have the territories of their enemies made (years) subject to them on the instant at the sight of His son, Vijayaditya, the venerable one the excellent sign of the Boar, which they ac . (ruled) for eighteen (years). quired through the favour of the holy Nár- His son, Vishnuvardhana, (ruled) for yana; and whose bodies are purified by ablu- thirty-six years). tions performed after celebrating horse-sacri- And his son, Vijay aditya, who was a fices, -ruled over the country of Vengi for very lion of a king, (ruled) for forty-eight eighteen years. (years). His son, J a ya sim ha, (ruled) for thirty His son, Kali-Vishnuvardhana", (years). (ruled) for one and a half years. This mark of punctuation, also, is not in the original. 11 In Veran 9 of the grant of Gurinda III., Rathor, pub. This mark of punctuation, again, is not in the original. lished by Dr. Etihlav at op. 59 et seqq. of this volume, a 10 This letter,bhi,- is omitted in the original. similar title, Kali Vallabha, is oplained to mean the 11 Darrge, Parvati. beloved of the Kaliyuga.' But, in the southern inscrip


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