Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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There is another com, whose author is Manibhadra Sūri. It is smaller as compared with the one noticed above. It is published in the Chokhambā Series, Benares, in 1905 A. D. Herein "about half of the chapter on Jainism is found word for word, in the Syadvādamañjarī! Which was the plagiarist, this man or Mallişeņa." So says Colonel G. A. Jacob in his Laukika. hyāyāñjali (pt. I, p. IX).
In Jaina granthāvali, two inore commentaries are noted. Of them Vidyātilaka alias Somatilaka Sūri is the author of one of them. The author of the other com, is not mentioned probably because he is incognito.
(75) Sodasakaprakarana This is a small treatise written in Samsk?ta, in verse, in Aryā. It is divided into 16 adhikāras each of which is styled as sodasaka in the printed edition, the Ist adhikūra as the Ist sodasaka, the second adhikara as the 2nd şod asaka and so on. Each of the 1st 15 şodasakas consists of 16 verses whereas the 16th has 17, the last written after the words "PUTETT 076894". Probably this is the reason why the entire work is called Sodaścka; for, nowhere in this work the author has named it so. The authorship of this work is inferred from the phrase bhavaviraha occurring at the end of every adhikāra and is corroborated by the last verse of the last adhikara.
The subject of each of the adhikūras is as follows:
(1) Examination of dharma (dharmaparikṣā), (II) preaching (desanā), (111) characteristics of dharma (dharmalaksana),
This charge is unwarranted; for, it was oustomary in olden days to incorporate the statement of a prerious writer or writers in ope's work without making any mention of the same. Seo Homacandra Sūri's Pramanamiminsă (p. 1) where 'what is originality' is discussed. This treatise together with Yaśobhadra's vivarana and Yasovijaya's vyākhyā called Yogadāpikā has been pablished in D, L. J. P. Fund Series in 1911 A, D. In this edition the text is given separately, too, at the end. The text along with Yacobhadra's com. and notes from Yasovijaya's com, has been published in R. K. Sarnsthā, Rutlam, in Sanvat 1992. The topics dealt with, in every sodaśaka, are given in the beginning by the editor. Amongst the available Sanskrta works of Haribhadra this is the only one in Arya.