Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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(20) F IFT, (21) araña', (22-23) Farfaaaah, (24) Parhaa, (25) faarurafer BEGINE, (26) fantaireplavih gazraditi, (27) NEYSTIE*, (28) 44429247an Tatat, (29) AGOSTETTIE, (30) ATEIT Ma.
In the Sk. intro. (pp. 16-17) to Abhidharmakosa Rahula Sāňkytyäyana has given the list of Vasubandhu's works. There he says that works here numbered as 9, 15, 17, 24 and 29 are referred to by Paramārtha, and those numberred as I, 4-9, 11, 14, 15, 17-19, 24, 26 and 29 and heraffa amonica are said to have been composed after the death of Asanga.
The first verse of Vijñaptimatratāsiddhi is quoted by Gandhahastin Siddhasena Gani in his com. (pt. I, p. 354) on TS (V, 22), and IV, 73 of Abhidharmakosa in pt. II on p. 65.
Kunārajīva wrote Life of Vasubandhu between 401 A.D. and 409 A.D. According to Nanjio it got lost in 730 A.D. Paramārtha who lived from 499 A. D. to 560 A. D. had also written a biography of Vasubandhu. Here it is stated:
(i) Vasubandhu was contemporaneous with Vikramāditya?.
1 This is noted by Prof. Turoci. See IHQ (December, 1928). See also
p. LXXX of this intro. to AJF. 2 One contains twenty verses and the other thirty. On the latter
there is the Bhasya of Sthiramati, one of the champions of the
agamānusāri. Vijíiānavāda school. All these three works were edited by the lato Dr. Sylvain Levi. Some work of Sthiramnati, a colleague of Guņamati, was translated into Chinese in 400 A, D.
There is one Sthiramati who has commontod upon the Madhyäntavibhagaortli by Vasubandhu. See G. 0. 8. (Vol. XLIX, intro.
p. XVII), 3 This is a com. on S'alašāsıra of Bodhisattva Deva, # This is a con, on some work of Asanga. 5 Nos. 21-23 are not montionod in the Foreword tu Tallvasangraha.
Un its p. LXXII the authorship of Parmarthasopati is attributed 11 Vasubandhu, and on p. LXII it is observed that the verse" en af TT" is & quotation from this work. See p. 22 of the Panjika un Tattvasangraha. Akalanka, too, has quoted 1, 17 from this work in bis Tattvārtharajavartika (p. 221 ), and I, 32 in his com, (p. 39 ) on this TRV, In Nyāyakumudacandra (p. 393) verses 17, 32 and 33 from kośasthāna I of Abhilharmakośa are quoted. He is identified by V. M, Smith, with Candragupta I of the Gupta dynasty who ruled between c, 320A.D. & 330 A.D. For a detailed digoussion about him see my article " Et 3**Garf" published in JSP (No. 100).