Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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P. 11, 1.7 ]
There it is said: "things are of themselves -suo moto- capable of co-ordination with things of their own class, and differentiation from things of a different class; their nature is not to be explained by assuming realities-(sāmānya and vis'ega), other than the things themselves." Vide intro. (p. LXXXIII) to SM.
P. 10, 1. 22. There are eight kinds of karman, jñānāvaranīya being one of them. It obscures knowledge. See "Notes" on p. 28, 1. 31. The word jāgāvaraniya' occurs in Vol. II on p. 225, I. 13.
P. 10. I. 26. The word .bhava' is here defined as one where living beings who are under the influence of karman, are born.
P. 11, 1. 3. The pūrva-paksa (objection) commences from this page with the word . katham', and it ends on p. 35, I. 7 with the word 'ityādi'. It embodies the following five issues :
(i) How can one and the same substance be both existing' (sat)
and not-existing' (asat)? -- pp. 11-17 (ii) How can a substance be 'permanent' (nitya) and 'impermanent'
(anitva) as well? - pp. 17-19 (iii) How can one have both attributes viz. generality (sāmā.
nyatva) and particuliarity (vis'egatva )? - Pp. 20-27 (iv) If a substance is expressible in words (abhiläpya) how can it be
non-expressible (anabhilāpya), too? - p. 27 (v) What is salvation after all? pp. 27-32 This last issue gives rise to two sub-issues : (a) How can salvation be attained by practising penance ? — pp.
27-31 (b) Is not a liberated one non-liberated and vice-versa, when
anokāntavāda (many-sided doctrine) is accepted ? — pp. 31-32
This is followed by an allegation that even a valid proof ( māna) is invalid (a-māna) and vice-ver86. — pp. 32-33
These two sub-issues are restated in verse on pp. 33–35.
All these issues are refuted: (i) on pp. 35-95, (i) on pp. 96-133, (iii) on pp. 134-316, (iv) on pp. 317-504 (pp. 317-365 dealing with the refutation of absolute anobhilāpya and the rest with that of absolute cbhilāpya), and (v) in Vol. It on pp. 124-239 with its first part on pp. 124-227 and its second part op pp. 228-231, and allegation about valid proof etc. on pp. 232–236.
P. 11, 11. 3-4. This allegation is refuted on p. 36, 11. 4-12 and 1. 37, il. 3-6.
P. 11, II. 4-6. This allegation is refuted on p. 62, 11. 7-8, P. 11, I1, 71. Anekantavāda is not the sole property of the Jaina
1 These notes are mainly based upon the Hindi potes (pp. 63-66 ) on
Pramānamimänisă and the Ei di intro. (pp. 105-106 ) to Akalanka. grantha-traya.