Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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[P. 11, 1.2
system of philosophy; for, it is partly shared by the Sankhya and Mimā. msaka systems as well. But it is true that it is the Jaing school that has syatematically expounded this doctrine and refuted the various allegations made against it by the non-Jainas. Amongst them the Barddhas seem to be predominent; for, Haribhadra mainly refutes their allegation and further on p. 24 (Vol. I) he specifically quotes & verse from Pramanavārtika of Dharmakīrti. Bādarāyanais probably the first to attack anskantavāda in his Brahmasūtra (2-2-33). He may not have meant it for the Jainas only, though Sankarăcārya so interprets it. Can it not be against a Vedāntin like Bhartřprapañca, and the Sankhyas and the Māmāmsakas, especially when the last two are bhedābhedavādins and nityānityavādins?
P. 11, 1. 7. Virodha (contradiction) is the fault mentioned here, and this is but natural; for, it is the main pivot of the several other faults such as sams'aya (doubt) etc. noted elsewhere. The number of the faults attributed to anekantavada has varied from time to time so much so that Yas'ovijaya Gani in his Syadvádukatpalati (). 266a) has mentioned many more faults than those mentioned by Haribhadra in his s'āstra. tārtāsamuccayo (v. 510-518). Sarkara in his bhāsya mainly refers to contradiction and doubt, whereas S'āntaraksita distinctly mentions sarkard in his Tattvasangraha (v. 1722). In Syadvādaratnākara (p. 738) we come across the following quotation which mentions seven faults:
"#az-aita-aftico4 HATAY 44:1
अनवस्था व्यतिकरमपि जैनमते सप्त दोषाः स्युः॥" Akalarike in his com. (p. 103) on Pramunasangroko (III, 24) says:
"STARTPATHETTE[UT] : SHINICHTÀTIXTİ HTTÄTHETIT, Stafaria aut परिणासात संशय-विरोध-वैयधिकरण्यो-भयदोषप्रसङ्गाऽनवस्था-सरा-भावकल्पनाम् अन्योन्याविवेकप्रतीतिः
laga". Here, he has shown that the seven faults are without any basis.
Vidyānanda in his Astas'atī (p. 227) has mentioned the following eight faults:
विरोध, वैयधिकरण्य, संशय, व्यतिकर, सकर, अनवस्था, अप्रतिपत्ति and अभाव.8 1 He is looked upon by some as bhedabhedavādin, 2 Tarka-pāda' is supposed to be a later addition. 3 Parasparāśraya, cakraka and almāśraya may be specially noted.
They are: virodha (v. 510-013), anavasthā (v. 514-517) and samsaya (v. 518).
absence of & common abode, abiding in different substrata, 6 "
fa: 1:* - TRD, p. 93b 7 "OCET97943 :" - Ibid, p. 93b
These very ones are noted by Hemacandra in his com. (p. 28) on Pramüraminánsa (1, 1, 32). Amongst the Svetambaras, hie seems to be the first to point out that these eight faults are ill-based; bat, amongst the tbe Diyambaras Akalanka is the first. Milliseņa seeuns to have followed the former in his SM (com, on v. 24).