Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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[P. 67, 1. 25
(iii) "The characteristio method of investigating Truth adopted: in the Vaiseşikā system is to find out the Vises&s i, e. the differentis or distinguishing properties of things. This gives the name to the system...".
-Ibid. (p. 25) The Vais'eşikă system admits six catagories or entities viz. dravya (substance), guna (quality), karman (action), sāmānya (generality), vis'eşa (particularity) and samavāya (inherence). This is what we learn from the Vais'eşilcasūtra, its Bhäsya' by Pras'astapāda", and works of Haribhadra and Sankara. S'ridharas, Udayanat and S'ivāditya", the later writers, have added abhāva (negation) to these six categories, as they do not look upon it as a nonentity, but regard it as a padārtha like the other gix. For the nine types of dravya etc, see "Notes" on p. 4, 11. 26-29 of Vol. II.
Vādivetāla s'ānti Sūri in his Pāiya com. on Uttarajjhayana and its Nijjutti mentions in Pâïya on p. 172a, the six original padārthas, nine dravyas, 17 gunas, 5 karmans, 3 sāmānyas, and then he explains in Samskrta three varieties of sämānya and notes & difference of opinion regarding this exposition. Further, he mentions in Pāïya two varieties of vis'ega.
The Vais'esika system admits two pramānas. This is the usual view. and it is accepted by Haribhadra and Vidyānanda. But Siddharsi in his Nyāyāvatāravrtti (p. 9), Hemacandra in his com. on his own work Pramānamömārisă (I, i, 9) and Maladhärin Hemacandre in his com. (p. 666) on Visesa® have said that the Vais'eşikas admit three pramāras viz. pratyakoa, anumāna and āgama. Devabhadra in his Tippang (p. 9) on the Nyāyāvatāravrtti says that Siddharsi has here followed Vyomasiva; otherwise Kandalikára mentions only two. Gandhahastin Siddhaseda Gani who seems to be earlier than Vyomas'iva, has said that the Vats'eşikas admit either two or three pramūnas. So it seems that by his time somebody
1 This is not a regular exposition of each Vaišoşika sūtra but it is
an independent work running along the lines of the Yejśeşiká
sütra. It is called Padārtha-dharma-sangraha. 2 The general view is that he flourished after Dinnaga, and thus he
belongs to the fifth century. The late Prof. A. B. Dhruva has
however assigned to bim a date prior to Diināga. 3 Ho composed Nyāyakandalī, as he tells us, in 991 A. D. It is
com. on Prasastapāda's Bhäsya. 4 He is an author of Laksanavali, Kiranatali, Kusumāñjali etc.
From Lakşaņāvali we learn that he flourished in 984 A. D. 5 Helias composed Saptapadārthi. 6 I take him to be the same as Vyomasekhara. the author of Vyoma
vali, a com, on the Bhāsya of Prasastapāda-Vyomzvati composed ealier than Nyayakandalı. But I cannot say whether he can be identified with Sivāditya (the author of Saptapadārthi) or not.