Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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(Volume 11)
Pp. 1-10. These pages deal with an objection raised by the Yogācăra school. It does not admit the reality of any external object. It holds that no such object exists, even if it were paramūnus, a collection of paramūnur or an avayavin (aggregate). Arguments are advanced to support thia view. So an objector says that there is no meaning in fraving established the thesis that a thing is existent and non-existent as well etc.; for, after all, guch a thing is an external object like a jar, and no such thing is real.
P. 1, 1. 13. For refutation see 'p. 11, H. 4-11.
P, 1, 11, 13-14, p. 2, 11. 3-9 & p. 3, 11. 3-5 These point out the reasons wby an external thing cannot be paramánus and establishes their nonexistence by means of pramānas.
P. 1, il. 13-14. For refutation see p. 12, II, 3-5. P. 2, 11. 3-4. For refutation see p. 12, 11. 6-11 & p. 13, 11. 3-4. P. 2, 11. 6-7. For refutation see p. 13, 11. 6-7. P. 2. 11, 7-8. For refutation see p. 16, 1 6. P. 2. 11. 8-9 & p. 3, 1. 3. For refutation see p. 16, 1. 10, & p. 17, 1. 3. P. 2, 1. 17. Alaya' occurs in Vol. I on pp. 252 and 254. P. 3, 11. 3-4. For refutation see p. 24, 1. 9.
P.3, 1.5. As noted on p. 278 the Vais'eșikas divide all congpizable things in the world into seven categories, one of which is guna. This gund is of 24 kinds. Of them parimāna (dimension ) is one. This parimāra is fourfold: anu (minute), mahat (large), dirgha (long) and hrasva (short)?.
To these four dimentions are added two more viz. paramānu and paramamahat. The former is known as pārimandalya (atomic sphericity) and the latter as vibhutva ( all-pervadingness). Parimandalya belongs to atoms and vibhutva to such entities as ākās'a and átman which are all-pervading.
According to grammarians paramānutva is & jāti and paramānu, a jātivácaka words.
P. 3, 11. 5-7 & p. 4, 1. 3. For refutation soe p. 25, ll. 6-8.
P. 3, 11 6-7 & p. 4, II. 3-4. That an external thing cannot be a colle. ction of paromānus is here being established.
P. 4. II. 3-4. For refutation see p. 27, 11. 4-5.
1 This number refers to Vol. II, and the same thing is to be under
stood hereafter; for, when a page of Vol. I will be alluded to, Vol. I
will be specifically mentioned, 2 Cf. "मानव्यवहारकारणं परिमाणम् । नवद्रव्यदृन्ति । तचतुर्विधम्-अणु महद् दीर्घ इस्वं चेति"
-Tarkasangraha 3 For the soundness of this view etc. see "Notes" (pp. 233-234) on KP.