Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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P. 403, 1.7 1
P. 387, 1. 23. qoy gat für occurs in Vajasaneyi-sanlita (XXXI, 2), and Svetās'vatars uponisad (III, 15).
P. 387, 11. 29-30. This verse is quoted by Hemacandra in his com. (p. 71a) on Yogus'āstra, and it is attributed to the Lauliko.8. It is also quoted by Malayagiri Sūri in his com. (p. 90) on Koppanijjutti (v. 296 ), and Itihasasamwoaya is mentioned as its source by its editors.
P. 388, IL 7-8. This is an ironical remark. P. 394, 1. 26. "Bhāṣā-varganā' is explained in "Notes" (pp. 250-251 ).
P. 396, 11. 7–8. This verse is explained in Vyonavati (p. 584) and in the svopajña com. on S'āstravārtāscmuccayo (v. 666). Both these explanations are reproduced in the foot-notes of Nyāyakumudacandra (p. 553) where this verse is quoted as is the case with Vyomavati (p. 384?), Nyayamanjari (p. 31), Prameyakamalamārtanda (p. 446), Sammatisīkā (p. 260) and Syādvādaratnälara (p. 710).
P. 396, 11. 9-10. This verse with the first foot as Fearfums is quoted in NKC (p. 553). Here Vakyapadīya (II, 425) is mentioned as its source. It is quoted with or without a variant in Vyomavati (p. 584), Nyāyamanjari (p.31 ), a Ms. (p. 44b), of Nayacaleraurtti, Tattvasangraha panjikit (p. 280), Prameyakamalamārtanda (P. 447), Sammatitīkā (pp. 177 & 260) and Syādrādaratnākara (p. 710).
P. 398, 1. 3. A particular kiud of jewel cures boad-ache. This quality of this jowel is noted in Vol. II on p. 15, 1. 21.
P. 398, 1. 10. Mithyātva' is the opposite of samyaktva', a correct belief or faith.
P. 398, II. 25-26. 'Avirati' means 'vow-less-ness', 'kasāya''passion' and yoga''activity'.
P. 398, I. 26, Bandha' means "bondage'.
P. 401, 1. 5. "Santarka' is explained as 'sambandha' in the com. This word occurs in Vol. II, p. 7, I. 26 and in S'ilārika's com. (p. 134b) on Süyagada (V, 1, 27).
P. 401, II. 10–11. This is another illustration of upahásc, the first being one given on p. 249, I. 3. For others see Vol. II, pp. 116 & 175. The last is from Hetulindri.
P. 402, 1. 7. The first foot occurs in S'astravārtásamuccaya (XI, 27 i. e. V. 670). There, too, it seems to be a quotation from some Bauddha work. In Abhidharmakos'a (IV, 2) we have: "# Tapiolan qa:".
P. 402, 11. 9-10. This verse occurs in S'astravārtādamuccuya (XI, 27 i. e. v. 670).
P. 403, 1. 7. Ratna-traya means a triad of jewels. It comprises right faith, right knowlege and right conduct.